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The Programming Mess
07/05/2013 20:49:06
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>>I do not give 2 hoots whether you are floored. There is no religion section here, and you
>>>>>>are supposed to stay on topic. The topic here is The ProgramminG Mess, and I started the thread.
>>>>>I posted my reply in the Chatter -> Religion section. Message ID: 1572701
>>>>I don't give a flip anyway where you posted it. This is a computer forum and keep your missionizing to yourself here. Just stop replying to my thread and shut up about it. Don't stick your arrogant missionizing nose in my thread again.
>>>Okay, I really tried to stay out of this but you are making a fool of yourself. Rick is obviously "on a mission" - so what. Most of us have made whatever counter-arguments we care to, assessed if they would have any effect and moved on. Rick, for his part, has abided by an agreement to move his proselytizing to Religion where it won't offend the sensibilities of those who seem to fear it rather than just be bemused by it.
>>>But your reaction is so far over the top it reminded me of something earlier that very much formed my impression of you :
>>> Message ID: 031156 when you really got pushed out of shape when Tore forwarded information from Janis Booth, whom many of us have long regarded as a friend. Somehow you feared you we being subjected to an "agenda".
>>>Skin this thin and intellectual and philosophical underpinnings that fragile must make life very hard for you. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable in less public forums where your view of reality was not so bombarded with ideas that agitate you to this degree.
>>>Starting a thread does not give you ownership of it anymore than asking a question in a public meeting gives you permanent control of the agenda.
>>Well said, as usual.
>>It's interesting that according to his mini-bio on the SWFox site ( http://www.swfox.net/speakers.aspx ), Tuvia is an ordained rabbi.
>That was my understanding. And it does not at all surprise me that he (or anyone else) finds Christian evangelism annoying and distasteful. I get that. But we are not talking about cossacks riding down on the shtetl here. Actually, Rick is the one who is simply speaking his own truth - however unwelcome or distasteful to others - but is not trying to tell other people what they can or cannot say in his presence. He also reflects a calm in his beliefs that makes them to my mind far less annoying that someone who feels they must go out of their way to tell other people what they are allowed to say.
>My God (you'll forgive the expression) if you are overly sensitive to fools, people shooting off their mouths with an assumption of a monopoly on Truthy, attempting to bully others from the safety of an ip address, or arguing without a modicum of reason the internet is hardly the right venue to interact with others :-)


Please excuse my sense of humor, but you used an upper case g in the word God. Therefore, you may have offended all other gods, which could be upsetting to some people and gods. It may be more upsetting to those people who think that they are gods! :)


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