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The Programming Mess
11/05/2013 11:50:05
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
11/05/2013 11:45:09
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Speaking of programming messes.. it would be hard to top this one!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I was just wondering, even with the benefit of hindsight, what MS should have done after W7 ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(a) Ignored the huge surge to tablet/ touch devices and stuck to desktop/laptop based OS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(b) Written a separate OS for the phone/tablet market.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(c) Develop an OS capable of a similar look and feel across all platforms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(d) ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Seems to me that (c), which is what they attempted, would be the best option.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FWIW nearly all W8 complaints I have seen/heard come from existing MS OS desktop users. Most people I know who have bought a W8 phone or tablet seem to like or even prefer the interface if they have previously had Android devices.....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My guess is that MS will just make it easier to work with W8 in the classic mode.....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Seemed to me an obvious feature (maybe it's there - know nothing of Windows 8 just as I have never tasted New Coke ) would to sense if it was running on a touch-screen and launching classic if not and Windows Touchy if so. For my money for a mouse, keyboard setup "metro" ( which I really think is ugly ) is just annoying.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Oh, and they should find out who authorized that god-awful TV add with the clapping of the keybaord/touchpad/kickstand thing on their tablet and have them killed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Not being a TV watcher I've no idea if that ad appeared over here. But MS, generally, seems to be crap at marketing....
>>>>>>>>>>>>On one of my original points : Have you heard anyone except existing MS desktop users complain about W8 ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Seems to me there is a large element of the 'don't like it because it is different' syndrome....
>>>>>>>>>>>Here it's I don't like it because I think it sucks. Different I can take. I immediately embraced the Mac, for example. I just don't like Metro, especially on the desktop.
>>>>>>>>>>No argument that 'metro' isn't great for a desktop/laptop - touch screen doesn't work well in that environment. Wait for better facial recognition - look at an app, smile to open, frown to close. Widen eyes to zoom, narrow to close :-}
>>>>>>>>>>For tablets I don't think there is much to choose (interface wise) between W8 and, say, Android.
>>>>>>>>>The last thing in the world I want is a computer that is monitoring my facial expressions and thinking it therefore knows what I want. I have a wife for that and even with her advanced degrees in soft voodoo sciences she gets it wrong a lot.
>>>>>>>>>What I would really like to see on a tablet is 8 gb of RAM and the same multitasking I get in Windows. My biggest annoyance on my tablet ( the ASUS 700 which I love ) is that I can't do n+ things at once on the same screen. It is ADD hell ! :-)
>>>>>>>>>I do understand Samsung has addressed this somewhat on their phones but I still want the 8gb of ram and quad core processor. (and a Silver Cloud Mk II ... )
>>>>>>>>You need an iPad, Charles ;-)
>>>>>>>I didn't know you could have more than one app displayed on an iPad ?
>>>>>>You can on an Android phone too. Just hold down the home key and you switch back and forth for recently opened apps and it will launch more than one if you want and you can switch back and forth via the long press on the home key.
>>>>>But we were discussing having more than one app *on screen* at the same time....
>>>>I may be completely wrong but my understanding was that in Android you are not actually multitasking but simply rerunning the other app (with perhaps a bookmark to put you back where you were) but it is not resident in memory like Windows .
>>>Interesting - you may be right on some, but for music, it keeps playing when you switch to another app... Some testing will find out more...
>>You're right about the music, but I think that runs as a process, like the ability to receive a phone call. I am going just by the couple of hours I spent with the Pluralsight Android development course. That was the first thing that jumped out at me as a "we're not in Kansas anymore" moment.
>I haven't hit that course yet. It will be next on my list :)

Haiiii!!!! There's some good EF courses out there also. Some of the newer features are quite nice, and Migrations is pretty cool. Now if their query generation logic would just catch up to NHibernate.
Very fitting: http://xkcd.com/386/

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