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Gun Hysteria
12/05/2013 12:39:41
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>>>>>>>>>>>You can have gun laws (background checks and registration) implemented in just a few months and start seeing results quickly.
>>>>>>>>>>What results would you expect to see?
>>>>>>>>>In one year I would expect to see minimal change, so you'd better revamp it to restrict more potential buyers. In another year when the projected results aren't achieved you'd probably have to tweak it again to limit the types of guns that are available for purchase. That didn't work? Those semi-auto rifles and shotguns must be the culprit. That didn't work either? Well, it would be too politically damaging to revert to the way it was, so let's just move the goalposts to make it look like we accomplished something.
>>>>>>>>I don't see any problem with limiting semi-automatics. Unless you can explain why they have any useful purpose.
>>>>>>>You might as well say "I don't see any problem with limiting all guns" since the vast majority of handguns and shotguns are semi-auto.
>>>>>>>Please define "useful" and explain the "usefulness" of owning a particular type of car.
>>>>>>>Here are 3 "useful" uses for our 2nd Amendment right : protection, sport, stress relief. Protection is self explanatory. I assume you understand the usefulness of sport since you are a fan of many. As for stress relief, http://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/01/stressed-america.aspx.
>>>>>>>Mind you, this excercize is not meant as acknowledgment for your suggestion that rights need to be justified, but rather to volley the ball back to your court to see what you come up with.
>>>>>>You are back to the 2nd amendment. The one about a well armed citizen militia.
>>>>>We've already danced this dance. You are incorrect.
>>>>>btw: I believe you mean regulated. ;)
>>>>>>Stress relief? Surely you are not serious. We as a nation are relieving way too much stress.
>>>>>>Shooting guns will be a sport when the animals can shoot back.
>>>>>What about skeet and targets?
>>>>You are correct that the phrase is well regulated. My mistake.
>>>>You use automatic or semi automatic weapons for skeet or target shooting? Does anyone?
>>>Target shooting yes. Many do. Mostly semi-automatic.
>>Soon as "automatic" is in part of the description, Mike thinks M60.
>I think "automatic" firearms are the ones that magically kill people without human agency. That is why it is more important to have laws getting rid of guns than laws enforced getting rid of bad people.

We wouldn't want to disenfranchise bad people.

Let's go after law abiding gun owners.

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!

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