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Dare I make another BIG prediction???
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After 4 years of supposedly "shutting down the nation" we have an Obamacare disaster looming, too-big-to-fail as standard practice, state seizure and redistribution of ownership of companies as precedent, a hyper-survelience state spying on everyone enforced with drones and a 50% increase to the national debt.

One could argue that trying to stop this Administration IS "assisting our nation in a positive manner". However, I'm a results guy and failing to halt and reverse any of the above is abject failure.

Those nasty evil racist red staters have managed to use words to call for "impeachment"? Unlike Kucinich & Wexler, they're all talk and no action so I say we give 'em the whooptiedoo award. That's where you raise your index finger in the air, twirl it around and shout "WHOOPTIEDOOOOO". Ditto for those calling for resignations. Tough talk is just that, talk. It's nothing more than playing the political sound bite game.

fwiw, I was thinking that before this, the immigration deal had a chance and so did some reforms to Obamacare...no more.

I'll point out that you seem to have missed that my list contained items from BOTH parties wish lists. My prediction is that NEITHER will get jack.

Perhaps you can think of the proper insult I should invoke involving your backside sitting on something? ;)

>I think that is a safe bet. Did you just wake up? After four years of doing everything possible to shut down our nation, the republicans cannot be expected to suddenly “change their ways”. What on earth makes you thing that the republicans intend to do anything that would help our nation? The policy is to shut down everything, breed hatred, and let the country fall apart.
>Several times a week there is a new “crisis” defined by the republicans. The republicans have asked for President Obama to be impeached several times for nonsensical things. The Attorney General must resign the republicans have insisted on several occasions. The Secretary of the United Nations must resign the republicans insisted. Do not approve appointments the president makes. The list goes on.
>Do you see a picture? Can you see where and when the republicans have attempted to do anything to assist our nation in a positive manner during the period from January 20th, 2009 until today? Somehow you have in your head that this would have changed for the better? Then President Obama destroys that hope? What world do you live in Charlie Brown?
>Be sure to fuel those radical half witted morons who call themselves “real Americans”, the republican half wits that is, what your thoughts are. A middle finger is something you find objectionable? Get a life! It is about time President Obama, the Democratic Party and people of this great nation tell the Republicans where to go and how to get there!
>When we see a white man in office again, there will be respect for the American President from the republicans and other racists in this country. How often has the media called President Obama, “Obama”. Sometimes they mention “Mr. Obama”. 95% of the time they simply say, “Obama”. I have never heard the President of the United States addressed this way.
>While this lack of republican leadership to help the nation is going on, we are fighting a war, trying to stop terrorists, stop our bridges from falling down, and watching the nation fall apart. Thank you to the republican party for doing nothing positive!
>I will make a “Big Prediction”! You cannot find your hind quarters if you sit on both your hands! :)
>>I completely agree with Mr. Carville.
>>I also agree with Valerie Jarrett
>>As such, the administration has essentially given the middle finger to the House Republicans. In turn I fully expect them to give it right back.
>>Thus my prediction:
>>Zero major legislation will be passed for the remainder of Obama's presidency and he is now officially a lame duck.
>>To quantify my prediction:
>>No immigration deal
>>No tax reform
>>No Health care repeal
>>No student loan foregiveness
>>No gun control
>>You get the idea.
>>I love gridlock (stops "them" from taking from "us") so am actively hoping for no change. ;)
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