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Using Bootstrap CSS in ASP.NET web forms
13/06/2013 14:27:57
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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VB 9.0
Windows Server 2012
Windows 2008 Server
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This is good. I was just concerned about how to incorporate all those % into the View page. But since you are saying that it is older technology and I should use the Razor, I will read up on the Razor. Thank you!

>Absolutely. You don't need a Model. You can attach your Model at a later time.
>>Ok, I get it. Buttttt.. can I create a view as a plain HTML5 code and then have Controller fire it, so that I can see what it looks like? Without the Model?
>>>Correct, you have to have the Controller to render a view. You don't render Views directly - they all go through a Controller. It's not uncommon to have a Controller Action that does nothing except for returning the View.
>>>>I thank you for the description. I appreciate it. And this is how I understood it (after watching about an hour or so of the Pluralsight course); pretty much how you put it. The reason I asked the question is I was thinking about creating a View page only first. Just to see what my page would look like - without data. This way I can play with bootstrap CSS and get the responsive design implemented. And then, once I have the View page looking good, I would work on the Model. But apparently - from my understanding - I have to have the Model and Controller in order to see the view.
>>>>Again, thank you.
>>>>>You can't see it directly in a browser. You need to run the app.
>>>>>I'm going to get very basic. Please don't be offended if it's too basic.
>>>>>MVC is Model View Controller. The Model is the data. The View is what's displayed. The Controller interacts between the View and the Model.
>>>>>In ASP.Net MVC, you define the Model and the Controller in C# or VB. The View is defined in pseudo-html. When the View is sent to the browser, the proper HTML objects are inserted where the Html Helpers are specified in the code. Data is imported based on the Model and what was queried. References to .js and .css files are inserted. Once all that is done, the page is sent to the browser.
>>>>>I had a hard time grasping the whole ASP.Net MVC concept until I read the book I mentioned. It filled in a lot of the holes.
>>>>>Once I got comfortable with MVC, I concentrated on jQuery and jQueryUI. Most recently I've been learning more about CSS. But I'm far from an MVC expert. There's still a lot about it I don't know.
>>>>>>I hope you don't mind if I ask you another question (collective you). I am looking at an existing MVC project. The View has files of type .ASCX (with a bunch of % signs). The question is, if I wanted to see the view page, just how it would render in a browser, can I do it? When I right-mouse click I see no option to see it in the browser (as you would have in a Web Forms project). And therefore, do I understand that in order to see how the view page will be rendered, you must have the Model object, right?
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