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(Continuation) Re: Bible thumpers gone stupid (again)
24/06/2013 09:32:20
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(Continuation) Re: Bible thumpers gone stupid (again)
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Reply to Message ID: 1576982

>IOW, you think that having gay leaders will lead to sexual abuse of children.
>I don't see how what you said can be interpreted any other way.

It is a perversion of the natural order of things, and of God's instruction unto men.

As I understand it you are Jewish, Tamar. In the law of Moses, God commanded that a man shall not lie down with another man as he would a woman, and that such is an abomination. It is not something to be encouraged, but shunned because God has commanded us into the knowledge as to the extent of exactly how such wickedness perverts and harms. He says, it is "an abomination".

Leviticus 18:22

And in the New Testament, Paul writes in Romans 1 that God had given men of such mind over to perversion to do those things which are unseemly, with the warning that none who do will inherit eternal life.

Romans 1:26-27:

God has made it very clear that homosexuality is an abomination, a perversion, it is not something we want to have in/around our children.

>That's such bs. You probably had gay teachers and gay leaders of extracurricular
>activities and never knew it. Pedophilia and homosexuality are not synonymous.

I'm somewhat floored by your position, Tamar.

Do you remember: Up until the day Noah and his family entered the ark, people were marrying and giving away in marriage, continuing on as they always had, yet God had already decreed the condition of their future by His word, holding fast to His purpose for creation, not catering to man's whims, nor man's perversions. He brought about the swift end of all mankind that was alive at that time, save Noah and the other seven. And to drive home the point, God did not wait until the day of judgment to judge and destroy both Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from Heaven. The people there desired to have sex with men, were full of perverseness, and were utterly destroyed. Even Lot's wife, only referred to as "Lot's wife" in scripture, not even given a name, looked back with longing in her heart and was turned into a pillar of salt.

God has decreed the abomination of homosexuality in no uncertain terms. Such perversions upon people are to not become influences over God-fearing families raising their children unto God, nor to any society that is God-seeking. Those who practice homosexuality are to be recognized for what they are, perverse individuals being misled by seducing spirits enticing them into all immorality, and then instructed as to way back to the correct path God has prescribed for us to walk on, and shown love in that regard (toward correction), but their perverse behavior is not to be integrated into our society.

We pursue God in all things, correcting our former errors, turning away from evil, not inviting it to intermingle with our kids and families. What God has said is an abomination is to be avoided, especially when such teachings (that homosexuality is okay) are so obviously of the anti-Christ spirit.

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