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>>>Unnatural sex is by God's definition: incest, beastiality, homosexuality. All are forbidden, and
>>>for the same reasons God prescribed in creation, anything except sex between a husband
>>>and his wife.
>>Well I've understood for some time now that you're a bigot when it comes to homosexuals. Are
>>you a racists too? Perhaps you think think that a black person and white person should not get
>>married either?
>When a man and woman fall in love, they are free to marry.

So tell me how interpretation of what is considered a "man" or a "woman" by Christians has changed (or should I say progressed) over the years.

>>So let me get this straight - you think a never-married priest or never-married nun is appropriate
>>person to assist someone with martial and/or sexual problems?
>Yes, provided they are accurately conveying the guidance God gave man through His holy written word. In such a case, the person (nun, priest, or devout believer) is conveying God's guidance in such areas, not their own personal opinion or experience.
>>That's beyond insane. I can understand that if the married couple just wanted some "common
>>ground" place or a "referee" to assist them - but thinking you're actually going to get some practical
>>advice from such a person is very unwise....and is not going to help fix or improve your relationship
>>with your significant other.
>God guides all men rightly. All who will hear Him. And provided the [nun, priest, or devout believer] is conveying accurately that which God gave man for guidance, it cannot fail unless the man does not follow after God. God makes allowances for misunderstandings which are legitimate, such as a person who really intended to do what God wanted, but didn't do it correctly due to a misunderstanding or mis-application of His teachings. This is different from a person who understands God's commands and guidance and chooses to do something else because they wanted to do something else. One has an honest heart seeking rightly a relationship with God, but just doing it wrong do to a misunderstanding. The other is a person who understands, and disagrees with God, and does it their own way.
>God has not left anyone abandoned. He knows who will seek Him, and He will arrange things in that person's life so that they are not left to themselves, to their own ignorance, to their own [insert whatever other misguided form here]. God really is in control.

Translation: If you are looser social misfit that never stood a chance of ever getting laid to begin with - drink this kool-aid and you will feel better about yourself, and if you want sex advice talk to some virgins they have all the answers for you. Riiiight on dude. Thinking you're getting some invaluable advice from a person who has no knowledge or personal experience in the field because they're somehow enlightened is foolish. If that's your suggestion for today's young married couples why don't you just tell them to get a divorce already cause that's pretty much saying the same thing.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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