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(Continuation) Re: Edward J. Snowden
17/07/2013 11:20:01
16/07/2013 15:24:48
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This is my opinion:

How often did we consider a bug in VFP, only to find out the next day that we just missed to declare a variable at the right place - again?

There is an old story: two brothers went for a swim, one was called "Truth" and the other "Lie". They put off their clothes, went into the lake and took a dive. The "Lie" quickly run out, stole the clothes of "Truth" and run away. Now when "Truth" came out, did not take on the clothes of "Lie", so he stayed naked since then, and until today we know him as the "Naked Truth".

Often the lie looks just like the truth, because it wears its clothes. But usually the plain truth is the most simple explanation and clearly on the plate, without too much fancy details and explanations. I don't think these kind of difficult theories are true, it's just a couple of nations that make war against each other, since the human race was born it hasn't changed much and never will change on this earth, until Christ comes back.

And it has been foretold in the Bible two thousand years ago, that nations will rise against nations, and we will have wars and rumors of wars and as well a rise in earthquakes and other natural catastrophes. People still would not listen, and they still believe that this is just a coincidence, and anybody could have foretold this. They believe anything you want them to believe and decide for themselves to be ignorant.

For myself I try to find the truth always in plain sight, not in nano particles or ufo's or whatever, but to see things as they are, the plain, naked truth, and that is already pointing exactly into the direction that was foretold and is being revealed in our time.

>Continuation of "Re: Edward J. Snowden" ... Message ID: 1578567
>>Personally, I must say that my perspective is that the United States owes its citizens security. The
>>people in power will do what they consider best for the people of the nation. If we did nothing
>>and we had another 9/11 or similar episode, there would be those persons demanding that the
>>United States should have taken action to have prevented a disaster. You are not going to win.
>9/11 was an engineered event by evil men and women of the American government designed to produce exactly what it has produced: an erosion of our civil liberties, and a society moving toward total enslavement (all under the guise of freedom and liberty).
>Molten metal rivers over 1400F for weeks after the "collapse". You cannot have molten metal rivers from burning jet fuel. Period.
>Building 7's total failure at freefall speeds with the conventional controlled demolition collapse of components on the roof, the "kink" toward the middle, and the complete erosion of all vertical support simultaneously. This cannot happen outside of controlled demolition. Period.
>Those two items alone seal the case of evidence. But there's more:
>Nano particles of thermite indicate controlled demolition. And the fact that they were nano particles indicates they were made at an extremely advanced laboratory, i.e. weapons grade from a weapons manufacturing facility.
>Photographs showing 1"+ thick primary support beams sliced in two at a 45 degree angle with molten slag dripping down from where they were severed. As a welder, I have seen and know the cause of this.
>Weapons grade Thermite nano particles found in the dust.
>No bone fragments larger than finger segments found (these were also found hundreds of feet away on the top of buildings).
>Building 7 coming down with no damage, people hearing explosions.
>The near free fall speed collapse. This ONLY happens when there is no resistance from below. And that would ONLY happen if the structures were removed, because even catastrophically failing structures would provide some upward resistance, even if only for a few seconds before total failure.
>>The nation would be remiss if it did nothing to protect itself. Should Mr. Snowden decide to
>>reside in Venezuela, I hope that he brings his own toilet paper.
>The best protection is through mutual cooperation and growth. If you don't give the people around you any reason to hate you, then there will be no fighting. But even if there is fighting, the fact that you've done nothing to provoke it means that they have no moral justification for doing it, and any losses as a result will be entirely upon their heads, and not ours.
>When you reach out to people in love, with both hands, using everything you have to help them, there is no reason, no incentive, no cause whatsoever for them to retaliate outside of an overt inner drive of evil. And I can assure you, without question, that such an excessive outpouring of love from those with open hands defeats the "heat" of evil every time -- and that is exactly because, "Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world."
>>As we are breathing air at this moment there are Russian nuclear submarines off the coast of
>>California ready to launch. Many other threats surround us 24 hours a day. It is all such fun.
>>My tour in the Air Force Security Service taught me that there is no such thing as security. Someone
>>is always trying to get to you. You might be successful trying to stop such attempts but that
>>cannot always be the case.
>That will continue to happen as long as people escalate. It all stops immediately when people humble themselves and say, "I don't want to fight you. I want to help you. What can I do?" God really is in control of this world, and when men turn back to God and seek Him first in their lives ... it is God who insures that they are not harmed. But even if they are harmed, then they have still done right by turning back to God and seeking Him in the first place, seeking forgiveness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
>>Should we give up all attempts at national security to please the ignorant? Yes, they demand! Well
>>then by all means open the gates and let the fun begin.
>We should get rid of monopolies and the powerful ruling elite. We should recognize that all of us are citizens of this world, made by God, put here for His glory and for His purposes. We should get on our knees in prayer and let The Lord's Holy Spirit guide us to do what we should do, in service for Him. But I can guarantee you it begins by looking up, reaching out, and walking toward another human being and saying to that soul, who may also be walking toward you to help you out, "What can I do to help you?" And then the two of you walk to others. And the group of you walk toward others. It continues on until no one has need, and everyone is being looked out for. Some people in prayer continuously, some people laborers, some people leaders, some people doing all kinds of things. A body. And just as our body has many members all working together ... THAT IS WHAT **WE** SHOULD BE DOING FOR OUR FELLOW CITIZENS.
>We are not without a purpose upon this Earth. We are not here by accident. Nor were we put here by accident. The people of this world need each other because we are all part of the body of Christ. A body cannot turn against itself. If it does there is cancer and disease and it cannot stand. Only when all parts of the body are working together properly is everything as it should be.
>And THAT is what we must do.
>(1) Recognize that we are created beings made by God who has a purpose for us: to serve and glorify Him.
>(2) Stop fighting and start loving (as they also love you, if not today, then tomorrow).
>(3) Stop seeking personal gain and start helping your neighbor (as they also help you, if not today, then tomorrow).
>We reach up by reaching out. We reach out by reaching up. It is of service to God in its entirety, and it is the call every one of us has upon our life. And the more of us who answer that call and walk in it with a full throttle effort, the more will join in behind.
>Recognition of who God is, who we are. Service to God. Service to mankind. In love all of it, and throughout. We love because He first loved us.
>This is the teaching of Jesus Christ.
>To go out into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, teaching them to obey everything He has commanded. And lo He is with us ... even until the end of the world.
>Love. Inner love. Outward expression of that love.
>Love is our goal. Not security. Not fighting. Not defense. Not social programs designed to blah blah blah. Love. Everyone giving love from their inmost man outwardly, from that love He first gave us, that we may all grow up together in service to Him, WANTING FOR NOTHING because He is able to give in abundance beyond our capacity to receive ... if only we would believe and trust in faith in Him.
>Eternity holds the same for all who will believe. An eternity of the most loving warmth embrace you can imagine. That is Jesus Christ: Love. Light. Wellspring of Life. Wisdom of the ages. Provider for all. Security for all. Eternal refuge for all. For all who will seek Him.
Christian Isberner
Software Consultant

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