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Filter Problem
16/11/1998 12:04:32
Ian Matthews
Up & Running Technologies Inc
Chestermere, Alberta, Canada
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Visual FoxPro
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Thank you for the assistance (especially the detail). I have two quick opion questions and one tech question related to p-views:

1: I am writing for a shared environment. I thought (from FP2.6) that SELECT (or any other SQL) could not be used in a networked/shared environment because it required Exclusive access. I noticed the EXCLUSIVE property in my TESTVIEW was set to YES. Are there any networking issues I should be aware of with SELECT?

2: As almost everyone has pointed out, it appears that the p-view is very fast. Is it faster that FILTER in all/almost all parent/child circumstances or is it just faster for grids? Basically, I am trying to decide if I should adjust the code for five large and complex main forms I already have written.

3: I found that unless I set SEND SQL UPDATES on in the View Designer, that the updates did not get sent to the base table. I was using TABLEBUFFER = 3-OPTIMISTIC ROW BUFFERING, and TABLEUPDATE(.T.) in my SKIPx commands. I think the TABLEUPDATE only updated the TESTVIEW info with its related cursor info. Is there anything I am missing here or is SEND SQL UPDATES the only thing I should be aware of?

NOTE: Opinions from all in UT would be appreciated.

>Grids and large tables with filters perform horribly slow, even when proper indexes exist. Grids were not optimized to work with what I'd call FP2.x style coding. SET KEY provides some relief from the slowness. If you use the LinkMaster, RelationalExpr and ChildOrder properties they will perform better but IMHO they are a pain to work with because you have to make sure the parent table stays selected.
>In all of my grids now I use either a parameterized view of child tables or simple temp cursors. Once you work through the mechanics of p-views they are wonderfully simple to use. There is an example on my website showing the two styles of grids. It also shows how easy it is to create a p-view. Why don't you take a look and see if you think it'll work.
>The p-view would be like:
create sql view viewPurchasePartners as;
>select * ;
>   from purchase_partners ;
>   where purchase_partners.sale_id = ?sales.sale_id ;
>   order by SomeField
>Drag the p-view into the DE, set it to NoDataOnLoad=.t., then in the Form.Init after you are on the sales record you want to start do a Requery( "viewPurchasePartners" )
>With the two p-views set up for the child tables all you have to do in the Refresh() of your form, which you have to call after your parent table record navigation anyway, all you have to do is:
>Requery( "viewPurchasePartners" )
>Requery( "viewSalesLine" )
>>Here is the mission; should you choose to accept it...
>>I have five tables open in a DATA ENVIRONMENT for a form, 3 that are linked to each other and 2 FREE TABLES. The two FREE TABLES should be irrelavent here. I want one of the 3 linked tables (SALES) to control two other linked tables (SALE_LINES and PURCHASE_PARTNERS) in that environment.
>>sales.sale_id is a Primary index
>>purchase_partners.sale_id is a Regular index.
>>sale_lines.sale_id is a Regular index
>>In the data environment I have set the FILTER for PURCHASE_PARTNERS to purchase_partners.sale_id=sales.sale_id purchase_partners information is displayed on the form using typical controls; nothing unusual. This information is filtered properly and appears as expected in the form.
>>In the data environment I have set the FILTER for SALE_LINES to sale_lines.sale_id=sales.sale_id. sale_lines information is displayed in a grid. The expected entries in my sale_lines grid appear correctly only when the form is first loaded. When I SKIP+1 in the sales table then grid simply shows no entries. If I SKIP-1 in the sales back to the original sale then the correct sale_line information for that sale is displayed in my grid.
>>The sale_lines table filter does not seem to be changing as the sales change.
>>I have spent 3 hours trying all the usual stuff, including:
>>- removing the tables from the data environment and readding them
>>- forcing the filter to update after my: SELECT SALES, SKIP+1, by doing a SELECT SALE_LINES, SET FILTER TO SALES_LINES.SALE_ID = SALES.SALE_ID
>>- checking the Help files
>>- swearing
>>Nothing has helped. I am now baffled. This can't be a limitation of VFP. A VFP table must be able to control two other tables in the same database using the filter command.

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