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The Trouble with Twinkies
18/07/2013 17:41:43
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>>>>>>>>>>It may not be right but this is standard in the grocery business.
>>>>>>>>>Hmmm, I'm checking with a buddy in the industry. I'll get back to you on that.
>>>>>>>>Thanks, Jake ;-)
>This would be Mike, thanking Jake for checking with his buddy (I'm guessing)
>>>>>>>I emailed him this thread and I asked the question Is it standard practice to have a different delivery man, and stocker for each item type from a company?
>>>>>>>His response :
>aaaaaaaaaaand this is Mike's response to the actual response from Jake's buddy
>>>>>>Jake, you are not listening to me. I will listen to people but I don't need your friend's advice on the grocery industry.
>>>>>I am not sure what to make of your response.
>>>>>Responding to my post regarding the work rules at Hostess governing seperation of delivery and stocking you stated It may not be right but this is standard in the grocery business.
>>>>>Since I'm not in the grocery business and know little of the day-to-day practices vendors use to stock shelves I decided to ask a friend who is intimately familliar. He works for a national chain and oversees new store setup, daily stock monitoring, shelving model analysis and training. In addition to confirming my suspicions that the Hostess rules are not industry standard, I also found his response informative and entertaining so I decided to post it in full.
>>>>>What am I missing?
>>>>I was insulted that you didn't treat me with enough respect to take my word for it.
>>>>No big problem. Onward.
>>>>PS -- It's "separation."
>>>You're kidding, right? Do you take everyone else's word for what they say and never fact check anything? I've seen you post such responses on here all the time....
>>No, I wasn't kidding. Yes, I do fact check things. I will come right out and say it -- you can go F yourself.
>doncha think this response to John is a wee, tad bit harsh? Or, you were giving out mixed signals earlier, 'cuz I understood this thread as
>Mike made a comment about Hostess business process,
>Jake disagreed with Mike's comment but said he would check with friend 'in the biz'
>Mike thanks Jake for checking
>Jake prints friend's response
>Mike gets insulted
>Where in there were we wrong in being surprised that Mike's torqued about the fact checking as Mike is known to fact check for his (and other people's) points?

No, I do not think my comments to John or Jake were any harsher than what they said to me. Even as a sinner you get fed up sometimes.

I know I have said this before but you are one of my favorites here.

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