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(Continuation) Re: Microsoft losing ton's of money on Wi
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>Response to Message ID: 1579048
>>>The people at Microsoft are highly skilled professionals. They'll find new jobs
>>>at a company that does not abuse its monopoly position and harm consumers
>>Ok so I guess once again the famous "golden rule" does not apply to
>>anything/anyone YOU don't like?
>If I were acting like Microsoft I would hope somebody would call me out. The Golden Rule applies. :-)
>>You understand of course that if you
>>claim to be a christian that wishing ill-will like that is a major no-no.
>There's a stark difference between confronting evil for what it is and wishing ill will on people. The people involved there in Microsoft's leadership (and those who buy into its philosophy of doing a particular style of business) are being deceived by an enemy with a goal, a purpose: to lure the people away from where they should be (the paths they should be on) into places they should not be (pursuing profit at the expense of giving, for example, of shutting out other men and women with great skills in a competing market because it makes financial sense to wield their monopoly powers do so, when it was, in fact, God who created both entities, giving both of them the ability to come up with particular products to, again, benefit people).
>I do not wish ill will on the people, but rather I do desire that they be set free from that evil influence and get saved. The evil nature of that influence causing their actions is what gets called out, and that without question. It is a spiritual battle to be sure. And that is a most Christian thing to do (to stand up for the truth and call out the evil of this world for what it is).
>"...Abhor that which is evil, cling to that which is good."
>"Go ye therefore into all the world and teach the nations..." What is it Christians teach? God's values, commands, purposes for mankind.
>There's also a warning from the Lord in Revelation 2:20 about letting evil continue without being called out:
>"Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because you allow that woman Jezebel, which calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols."
>>I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of what you preach vs what you practice (again).
>I know you believe you are doing this, Victor. I do not hold it against you. :-) I long for the day when I can call you my "brother in Christ."

Yawwwwwn. Spin it however you want Rick. If you've somehow convinced yourself that wishing bad things for bad people (or companies) - mind you ones that YOU'VE JUDGED to be bad (which by the way is also wrong according to your doctrine) - is ok then you need to not quote the book you read from, but read it some more. I don't recall jesus saying he hoped the hooker would get STD or beat up by her customer so that she finally finds god.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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