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DeFox and un-DeFox
26/07/2013 12:00:51
26/07/2013 10:49:00
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>>Knowledge should be shared. Accomplishments in software should be shared. It is only the labor
>>of the new products, or the adaptation of existing products, that should be paid for. The rest should
>>be entirely, and completely, community property, because that knowledge came from God to be shared.
>>It did not come from God to be hoarded. God is not in the hoarding business. He is in the sharing
>>business. Remember, we are joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).
>I believe what Paul talks about is not so much cash related but more spiritual related.

Sharing is the nature of God in general. This world, for example, the material world, provides for in excess of abundance to feed the world's people. There are people starving because men make choices to limit that food and distribution because they can make more money opening up a gambling casino.

>I also believe that "hoarding" in itself is not a positive thing, but as well lazyness and
>gain through shortcuts is negative as well.

Of course gain through laziness and shortcuts is negative. But when a person makes the choice to give away their knowledge, there are no shortcuts. That person has received what the person offered. No shortcutting. The person should even step beyond that and say, "Come to our factories and learn all of our techniques. Go and build as many of these machines as you are able for your nation." And in that way encourage the spreading of knowledge in two directions. China gets their great farm machinery. We get it as well. And when we improve, or they improve, everyone gets those improvements.

There's enough "business" to go around. Companies don't have to go out of business. They just need to change their focus off of money, and put it on service to people.

>In this world of openness I see in practice most results lead to less quality. Chinese companies
>excel at getting information during German trade shows of machinery, and produce at much less
>cost (because mostly of the savings in research and trials). The end product looks familiar but
>leads to a hard competition where German production needs to produce at lower cost to stay
>in business. Research cannot stop so production is outsourced to eastern countries. Materials
>must be purchased at the most low cost and developing countries are betrayed for their wealth
>of natural resources.
>Companies will continue to get products at the least possible prices so the end effect will be
>that more people need to work harder to barley make a living while others have no work at
>all, while the corporations will increase their profits even more.

The focus needs to go off of money, and onto serving people ... and then all of these concerns you're worried about go away.

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