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Ark. district arming more than 20 teachers, staff
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All the students should be armed as well. That will give total liberty and freedom to all as well as security. If a staff member starts to shoot anyone then everyone (students included) can shoot the staff member. If a student shoots someone then everyone can shoot the student. If someone walks into the school from the street and starts shooting then everyone in the school can shoot the intruder! Now that is what our founding fathers intended. Oh, black students and staff only get 3/5’s of a gun. It is in the Constitution!

Be sure you bring your white hood to tonight’s meeting in the park. We will show those flat land foreigners a thing or two! And whatever you do, do not forget to bring your own little brown jug! :)

>>>>>What a bunch of idiots. The potential for accidents and/or nuts on the staff makes this a very stupid move. The answer is NOT to arm everybody (sounds like Taliban country). Needless to say I would remove my kids from that school immediately.
>>>>Yes. Far better to be victims.
>>>The odds of some gun-related problem happening are far greater if start actually inviting the guns into schools.
>>That would make an interesting argument if it were a fact.
>Do you have a source saying it isn't?
>I know it is an article of faith among pro-gun people that more guns make us safer so I won't try to convince you. The thought of guns in schools makes me very uneasy, even if it's only the school guards who have them. I don't know if most schools have guards now. The one here, where both my daughters went, has one. There are a fair number of gangbangers so that is reasonable. He is not armed, though. Last year there was a huge melee in the cafeteria between members of rival gangs. One person was stabbed. And that was with a guard by the school entrance. Anyway, let me ask you this. What happens when an unbalanced student gets hold of a gun? You know it would happen somewhere. As far as arming every teacher, that is nuts. I had some teachers I wouldn't want anywhere near a gun, LOL.
>Please bear in mind that I am not an anti-gun zealot. I would not favor a complete ban on guns even if we could do it, which we can't. The horse has left the barn. Americans have the right to hunt and the right to defend their homes. The one exception I favor is banning assault weapons. (Please don't nitpick about the definition; you know the kind of guns I mean). I see no earthly purpose for those outside active military.
>I like it that you are a conservative I can discuss things reasonably with even though we usually disagree. Maybe it's being baseball fans that makes us so reasonable ;-)
>Aside: this has been a truly rotten season for my team, the Brewers. I didn't expect much from them this year but I didn't expect them to be this bad. And of course there is the Ryan Braun situation. I am so disappointed. I feel betrayed. According to the newspaper, so do some of his teammates. You have to understand that not only has he been an elite hitter, going back to college, he was regarded as a role model, a sports hero. Two years ago when the Brewers had their magic season I had a girlfriend in Wisconsin. We watched a lot of Brewers games together on TV and it seemed like half of them had Braun as a spokesman. That is how esteemed he was. He was my favorite baseball player practically from the time he was brought up to the majors. This stings. He is no longer my favorite player. I guess that would be Tim Lincecum now, even though he is getting the stuffing knocked out of him this year. I don't understand how a guy wins two Cy Young awards at such a young age and then turns into a mediocre-to-bad pitcher so soon, when he should be in the prime of his career. Baseball! It will definitely disappoint you. But it will also delight you sometimes, which is why I expect to always be a fan.

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