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>>>>>>Riiight. Well if the NRA had their way there would also be armed guards in all the schools. And hey why not? Lot of schools have metal detectors and razor wire fences - so might as well be SURE the kids feel like they're in a jail when they go to school. Of course this all makes more sense than...ya know...doing ANYTHING that might result in keeping the guns out of criminals hands or being able to track where guns end up.
>>>>>Victor, Victor... You do not understand the issue quite well! Armed guards in schools?? That is NOT enough! Teachers, Janitors and every other school worker should be carrying guns, Do You really want your school safe or not?
>>>>Oh how foolish of me to miss that. There is also Sheriff Joe in Phoenix, AZ with his brilliant move of putting armed civilian posses to guard the schools. I mean heck with a few untrained civilian posse members with guns running around a bunch of children what could possibly go wrong?
>>>Hey Victor,
>>>I recall we had a wager about this. I think I remember you betting that the armed guards would shoot someone by accident before August 2013. The wager was $1. Did they shoot anyone?
>>It appears I must of lost the wager. (for once I'm actually glad I lost a wager..ha)
>>http://www.azfamily.com/news/local/Armed-posse-starts-school-patrols-186178002.html - so I found this and it says they started it at the beginning of the year.
>>Even so I still think it's a disaster waiting to happen...yeah you got your child sex offender, your domestic violence chap protecting the kids with training from a washed up movie actor who's background is not the best either.
>Hrm... from the article you mentioned:
>] And, because it’s Arpaio, the story just keeps getting weirder. The sheriff hired washed-up action hack Steven Seagal
>] to provide weapons training to his crew. In a press conference on Saturday, Seagal defended his qualifications to a
>] room of baffled reporters:
>] “I’ve put hundreds of thousands if not millions of hours into my weapons training,” adding he would do “anything”
>] to protect Arizona’s children.
>let's see.. 1,000,000 / 24 / 365.25 ... that's a little over 114 years worth of weapons training.

Well....what do you expect from a couple of clowns who decide to use a full tactical operations swat team armed to the teeth, (including a tank - no joke) to go after --- tadaaa - some chickens! Yes we are all safer having army-style armed guys running around tearing up public roads with tanks to kill a puppy and bunch of chickens in a residential neighborhood. I know what would even make us safer than that! Lets have these same idiots in charge of arming some child predators with some guns and then put them in the schools to..uhhh..yeah protect the children. Brilliant I tell you! Brilliiiiant! Ya know Sheriff Joe has an elected position - I tell you sometime I have less than zero faith in the Americian voter - like are that many people in AZ REALLY that stupid or what?
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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