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Land of the (a little less) Free
12/08/2013 18:30:31
12/08/2013 15:58:36
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>>>>Snowden fallout - bound & gagged.
>>>Yep - the feds want to shutdown any such service that a) hides your location or b) that they can't tap into or c) hides your identity. Last week the Tor network was compromised. They tell us it's to protect us from terrorist and child molesters - which are very noble causes I agree - but seems to me the targets appear to me more towards using thug methodology in an attempt to silence whistle blowers and critics. Sounds a lot like something that could backfire real easy eventually.
>>Sounds like a calculation they've made regarding what people will tolerate as far as the liberty/security euqation.
>>Given the pathetic response I'm observing by the general public, add in the courts eager willingness to sacrifice Constitutional guarantees and combined with the call-em nutso knee-jerk political response to anyone who is publically critical of the new USSA(United Surveillance States of America (tm) patent pending ;) ) I'm inclined to believe that the powers that be may have underestimated their ability to invade our lives.
>>It's perfectly acceptable to track our movements, listen to our calls, gather everything about us that's in electronic form from our joke emails to our health history. We'll allow them to archive it all and not worry about security or distribution. Just as long as you don't try to limit our Big Gulps.
>And then there is this...
>I've heard stories over the years about individual cases, but had no idea it had become so institutionalized.

From drug seizure laws to the Supreme's re-writing of eminent domain, from "sustainable" land restrictions and endangered species designations based upon biased "evidence", our private property rights have been eroded to the point of non-existence. Next thing you know they'll skip all legal pretense of seizure for law breaking and just force us to buy the products of their favored political contributers...oh wait.
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Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
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Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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