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Just call it Chelsea
22/08/2013 11:13:42
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>>>>>Sit the traitor on a grenade and rearrange it's gender.
>>>>To which enemy power did he betray, exactly?
>>>It betrayed the United States. To whom is irrelevant.
>>When inducted into the armed forces, you take an oath to 'uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic'. So, what are you going to do when presented with evidence that the people who make up your government are doing things that are in direct opposition to that oath?
>>The court found that he did not 'aide and abet the enemy', therefore no treason. That he leaked confidential information, that certainly is true - he admitted to that.
>>Now, before you come back with your knee-jerk reaction, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop and actually think about what has been done to our freedoms and our American way of life, things that have been done in OUR (the American people's) name. Personally, it angers me. It angers me on such a level that it took me some time to actually be able to articulate it in a manner that others could understand. I will take responsibility for those things that *I* have done; right, wrong or indifferent - but you do NOT get to pull such things as illegal imprisonments (just because) or illegal searches (if you don't have anything to hide, you have nothing to fear) and then, when caught out, say you did it in MY name.
>>No, thankyouverymuch, you want to do something in MY name, you talk to me first about it. I probably didn't vote for most of 'em in Washington, sure enough didn't vote for anyone in the military command chain, but they're not sent there with a carte blanche and I will hold them to the same standards as they seem to want to hold everyone else, except themselves - including their oath to 'support and defend the Constitution of the United States'.
>>> I probably didn't vote for most of 'em in Washington
>Maybe you should have.
>If you feel as strongly as you seem to, try working for a candidate whose views agree with yours. There are lots of them out there and if enough people get behind them, they can be elected.

UPDATE - This should have been addressed to Dorris..

So it was qualified to verify that some 600000 or so documents were OK for public consumption. It read them all in detail before sending them off to the place run by the rapist hiding in an embassy?

I'm not really convinced that it really vetted all the documents. I'd guess that maybe it was imagining itself having PMS during its gender identity crisis, possibly compounded by a bad hair day when it decided to get back at the nation that trusted it to do its job.

You're really comfortable letting whomever or whatever publish any classified documents he/she/it feels like publishing?

As far as the elected leaders - I didn't elect the current regime in Washington and I absolutely abhor what it is doing to a nation that was once great. I'm all for overthrowing the regime using any means available.

That doesn't include hemorrhaging classified documents to the world for the sole purpose of weakening the remains of the US.

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!

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