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Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder & Suicide?
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>>>>>International evidence and comparisons have long been offered as proof of the mantra that more guns mean more deaths and that fewer guns, therefore, mean fewer deaths.1 Unfortunately, such discussions are all too often been afflicted by misconceptions and factual error and focus on comparisons that are unrepresentative.
>>>>I was about to take a look at the article but then I noticed that one of the co-authors is Mauser, can you trust his objectivity on the subject? :)
>>>No you can't - check his record of peer-reviewed things and you see pretty much everything the guy says ends up debunked (horrible reputation). As for this pathetic study someone has already pointed out the obvious....
>>>The authors quote the homicide rate of Luxembourg as 9.01/100K. Of course, as anyone even marginally knowledgeable about international crime statistics knows, this is completely out of the question, unless there were some kind of anomalous mass killing in that year. It is common knowledge that the only first-world nation with a homicide rate even close to that is the USA (which, not coincidentally, has far higher gun ownership than any other first-world nation).
>>>What happened was there was a decimal point error: the Luxembourg homicide rate is actually 0.9/100K. Now, if this was some number hidden away in some table, maybe it wouldn't matter much. But it's not: they refer directly to this supposedly sky-high homicide rate of Luxembourg in the text, and they even highlight the number in Table 2. And with good reason: if that actually were the homicide rate of Luxembourg, then it would deserve to be highlighted.
>>>This leaves us with the standard two possibilities for pro-gunner propaganda: 1) (Dishonesty) [...] 2) (Incompetence) [...] But, based on the quality of the rest of this paper, along with other things I've seen by Kates and Mauser, in this case it is possible that these guys are actually clueless enough to slide by with the incompetence defense.
>>I think Hugo was referring to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauser .
>Oh I didn't think of that. Well this Gary Mauser is the president of Barnet Rifle Club too (or if not now, he was at one time). Anyway his facts are flawed, his numbers are wrong..etc etc and that "report" come to find out has been laughed at for the 10 years its been out. Keep looking Jake :)

It's always interesting when one claims that something is discredited by simply stating the "facts are flawed" without any evidence whatsoever offered to back up the statement.

It's comical when one says the "facts are flawed" while getting their own facts wrong. The study was published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 30, No. 2 June 6, 2006. A mere 7 years ago.
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