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Great video about faith
30/08/2013 16:41:38
30/08/2013 15:44:14
Walter Meester
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>>The odds of one protein being created are about 1 * 10 to the 339.9998 million times less likely
>>than reaching into a volume of space the size of the observable universe and pulling out the
>>one, single red grain of sand on the first try from among the entire universe being filled with
>>white grains of sand, not knowing in advance where it was placed, and just randomly reaching
>>in to some spot and grabbing one.
>That is a false statement. We just don't know in how many ways a protiene can be created, when
>it was created, where and under what circumstances.

It takes over 300 proteins to create one protein (which happens by dynamically reading and interpreting the data contained on DNA -- the way a hard disk read/write head reads the electromagnetic bits on a disk, and translates that to electrical signals which make music, display images, process data in a particular way via manmade hardware -- and the complexity of the data contained within the DNA, operating on chemical machines prone to error, which self-correct from those errors in truly amazing ways, is so far beyond our most advanced computer software and hardware systems that there is no comparison. It is beyond comparing the sum of all of man's knowledge to the letter "A". We have written the letter "A" in terms of our computer software, and the data contained in DNA is, in relative terms, beyond the sum of all of man's knowledge beyond that single digit).

>Therefore the claim of 10 ^339.9998

Correction. That's 10^(399.9998 million) or (1 * 10 to the 399,998,000 power) ... quite a difference than 10^400. And that's the point. It's so far beyond imagination or feasible possibility that it is literal, in the purest form, impossibility. It was a purposeful creation within that system, which was also a purposeful creation.

The Bible says it this way:
Romans 1:20, "20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

All men know the truth in their inmost man, Walter. You included.

The bottom line:
Jesus loves you.
He died on the cross to save all men who will be saved. You included if you will have Him.
Nonetheless, He calls out to you continuously for one reason: Love. He's trying to save you.

The day will come when each of us will die, and then it will be too late. We hear Him here on Earth, and we must answer Him while still here upon the Earth.

Psalm 14:1, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."

>One day in your life, you will be proven wrong on this topic, you'd better be prepared for it...

That day will never come, Walter, but the day you speak of (the day where truth is revealed to all) will come. It will be the day Jesus returns (a day coming soon). I pray that well before that day you turn to Him, that your heart is changed, and that you forever thereafter serve Him as He is: Almighty God. Wonderful Counselor. Perfect Savior. In short: God, with a capital G.

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