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Great video about faith
01/09/2013 07:33:23
Walter Meester
31/08/2013 04:13:31
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>All the words. All the arguments. They are distractions from the simple truth:

>Jesus loves you, Walter.

He can't, he's dead, and for a long time

>He died to save you from eternal Hell.

Bogus... he died by making a mistake in his calculation to get into power

>His last words before dying were, "It is finished."

Who knows? You and I certainly do not, because we were not there and there is no reliable source stating this. We did not even know where and hen he died.

>What God set out to do, He achieved.

Creating slaves? I do not believe in any god, just science.

>He loves you, Walter.

If there is one, I'm just to him like a bit in a datacenter: Totally irrelevant.

>He did it for you.
>He has saved you. It is done ... if you'll let Him in.

I just walked up the door to see whether someone was there, checked the doorbel, it was working. I've not seen any jehova withnesses to bring me god.

>Listen to Him, Walter. He's knocking.

Probably a poltergeist.

>Let Him in.

If he's so almighty why do have to let him in? He surely will have a good locksmith wouldn't he? He surely would get in by himself.

>>A life walked for Him, in Him, is better than the life walked anywhere else.
>It's because of who He is: Love.

I live my life the way I want to live it, without being indocrinated by someone else his evil agenda, thank you very much.

>I love you, Walter. :-)


I just hope you will find the strenght to get rid of the evil indoctrination upon your shoulders. It hurts to see some intelligent person with all good intentions to be possessed by the evil powers of religion.

I hope you found or will find peace within yourself without having to rely on a greater power for any justification of your sins or explanation of things you do not understand.

I hope you will at some point will accept that saying "I don't know" is a valid answer instead of saying "I'ts directed by god"

I also hope that you, but also other bible thumbers will realize that there are people on this planet have other religions and are as passionate about their religionan as you do and will accept their convictions without feeling the evil need to convert them.

I hope that you and your fellows will not undertake any violence against others who do not believe in the same god you do, and treat them as equal. History has shown that people like you have not a very good track record here.

>Peace comes in knowing The Lord.

Peace comes from within, within your inner soul. It has nothing to do with the acceptance of any intelligent super power which can be used as an excuse for your sins.

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