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Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder & Suicide?
09/09/2013 14:16:34
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>How about real science for a change?
>The absolute worst thing is legislating guns all over the place. Get the EXTREMISTS out of office or, better yet, don't elect them!

Thank you for once again proving my point.

"You guys" love to claim the high ground on "facts", toss about easily disproven nonsense like the bottom line is that most suicides and domestic deaths are because of the ubiquity of guns in this country and when called on it with the list from the WHO (an actual fact as opposed to a study mind you) showing that the US is not even in the top 40 countries by suicide rate despite the very high gun ownership rate, you ignore and change the topic to something you already posted and has already been commented upon.

Toss is an insult
>The most brain-dead idea

Toss out the Constitution
>is to have guns all over the place.

Consider : "The most brain-dead idea is to have a free press all over the place"

Pick and choose your positions based upon undefined politically derived terms.
>Yes, for self -defense (but no stockpiling!),

Further trample the Constitution
>yes for hunting (lock them away when you're not hunting).
Consider : Yes to press reporting of Miley Cyrus twerking but no press about NSA snooping

Declare that we're all equal but some are more equal than others.
>NO for arming everybody,

Toss about another undefined and politically derived term
>NO for high capacity clips,

Demonstrate your ignorance of guns in general (Ask yourself how one can you be for hunting but against semi-automatic? Are we all hunting with pumps and double-barrels)
>No for semi-automatic or automatic weapons, No for having 30 guns all over the house....

Finally, re-declare your superiority of mind while back-handedly insulting anyone who disagrees with you.
>Again, just common sense...

"You guys" make this easy.
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