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Which rows fail alter column data type
10/09/2013 13:29:29
General information
Microsoft SQL Server
SQL syntax
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SQL Server 6.5 and older
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This message has been marked as a message which has helped to the initial question of the thread.
For all constants just double the quote. You can always do

print @SQL to examine what SQL you're creating before executing.

>Now a followup question. This is is very useful and I am trying to figure out how to do this passing in the table and column names as variable
>I think I need to build the expression as a string and then execute it, as just subsituting @colname for CID in the code below doesn't work (just returns the value of @colname for all rows)
>Since the string contains single quotes, I tried escaping each single quote with another single quote. Tried using Double Quote around the string I'm building. Not sure how to go about this
>DECLARE @colname VARCHAR(100) = 'cid'
>DECLARE @tblname VARCHAR(100) = 'caccount_credits'
>DECLARE @str VARCHAR(max) = ''
>SELECT @str = @str + 'SELECT CASE WHEN NOT (' + @colname + ' LIKE expression + '  -- and here is where I don't know what to put in so '%' renders correctly in the result
>         WHEN NOT (Cid LIKE expression + '%' OR Cid LIKE '{' + expression + '}%') THEN Cid
>       END
>FROM   @test T
>       CROSS APPLY (SELECT REPLACE('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '0', '[0-9a-fA-F]') COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) C2(expression)
>WHERE  NOT (Cid LIKE expression + '%' OR Cid LIKE '{' + expression + '}%')
>>>I have many many column that are char(36) imported from VFP that have been constructed to be cast as UID.
>>>For the most part they convert fine when I
>>>ALTER TABLE tblname
>>>ALTER COLUMN colname Uniqueidentifier
>>>However on the four or five that fail, all I get is
>>>Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.
>>>but there are half a million rows, so I don't know where my upsizer is failing to catch a badly formed GUID(36)
>>>Is there a tsql syntax that would be something like (forgive the bad pseudocode but you get the idea)
>>>SELECT success = CAST(cid as Uniqueidentifier) from ACCOUNT_CREDITS where success = false
>>>I need to know which row it chokes on. Could probably write an iteration but seems there must be a set based way to do this.
>>DECLARE @Test TABLE (Cid char(36))
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('adfasdfadfasdfasdfasdfas')
>>INSERT INTO @test VALUES ('63F4B1CD-80DD-4F96-B5EF-520A4FDADA63')
>>         WHEN NOT (Cid LIKE expression + '%' OR Cid LIKE '{' + expression + '}%') THEN Cid
>>       END
>>FROM   @test T
>>       CROSS APPLY (SELECT REPLACE('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '0', '[0-9a-fA-F]') COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) C2(expression)
>>WHERE  NOT (Cid LIKE expression + '%' OR Cid LIKE '{' + expression + '}%')
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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