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Finally -- an electorate with common sense
12/09/2013 00:27:50
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The interesting question is who will be elected in 2016. Normally it would be a shoo-in for the party out of office. But from here it doesn't seem like the Republicans can do it. Marco Rubio? Ted Cruz? I don't see any way the mainstream voting public will go for either of them.

You can do backflips over your back yard fence but to me it looks like Hillary.

Rubio is a borderline fool. I like several aspects of Cruz, though I fear how much he'd negatively affect abortion laws in the first 2 trimesters.

As for Hillary, I would have voted for her - reluctantly - had she run against McCain in 2008. But Barack Obama ran the most dishonest, corrupt, (and as we learned from the forged signatures on the petitions to get him on the ballot in Indiana primaries), illegal campaign in our lifetimes.

But Hillary's behavior and actions during Benghazi are horrible. Either she lied to cover the State Department or she lied to cover the CIA (or possibly both). But there's one incident that just makes me sick to my stomach. During a ceremony for one of the SEALs killed in Benghazi, Hillary walked up to the father and said, "Sir, don't worry, we will get the man who made the YouTube video". She and Susan Rice and Barack Obama peddled this lie for weeks, while everyone behind the scenes (and the new Libyan president) all knew the attack was instigated by Ansar Al Sharia. This was a grand lie to the American public about the Administration underestimating the re-emergence of Al-Q in Northern Africa - a lie right before the 2012 election.

Hillary Clinton was a liar in the 1970's when she was fired and nearly disbarred from her Washington law position for conspiring with other lawyers to try to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the WaterGate investigation.. She repeatedly lied in the 1990's to save Bill's presidency. She lied about statistics on % of American guns that were used in Mexican gun deaths (right before the Fast and Furious fiasco started). And then she lied about the actual facts of Benghazi.

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