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New pics of my daughter from Preschool
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>>>>I remember you posting pictures of her as a new-born. Seems like only yesterday ? :-}
>>>>Well, she turned 4 back in May - time flies!
>>>>Here are some of her funnier lines...
>>>>"Dada, can I tell you a question"
>>>>"Are you going to Pittsburgh to bring back a chocolate milkshake?"
>>>>"I want to say hello to the stop sign" (every time we drive past a red stop sign)
>>>>"Dada is stuck in the phone and I can't get him out" (I was talking to her on the phone and the connection dropped)
>>>>"Grammy's TV is yelling" (my wife's mother likes to watch old sci fi movies, which tend to be loud)
>>>The favorite one I've seen was when I was standing in line a grocery store. Young mother and 3 or 4 year old daughter in line in front of me ....daughter is having a HUGE fit because she wants some candy and mom is saying no. This goes on for a while..finally the mother says "hey - if you dont stop this, I'm going to get mad. Do you know what happens when mommy gets mad?" Daughter quickly responds "mmm mmm .. she goes shopping!' Everyone around us starting laughing uncontrollably. The mother - who had turned a nice color of bright red by this point..was speechless & somewhat flustered - she just quetly put the candy in the cart...haha
>>When my daughters were little my wife did more of the cooking (not all of it) and I did more of the grocery shopping. I almost always took the girls with me. The deal was if they were good they could get some candy at the register. Pure bribery -- guilty as charged. It worked. When we got to the register Emily would give me her most charming smile and say, "Was I good?"
>I've been able to avoid the store over here all together (can't stand to wait in a freakn line) - one girl does the shopping and cooking, one does all the cleaning, I do all the dishes and take care of all the computers ipads iphone ipods etc and the cars plus my scooter and any maintence things with the condo. Laundry on the other hand is kinda a free-for-all and that's rather problematic when 5 people in one place next to a beach so duh towels towels towels and all the girls were like 2 or 3 sets a clothes a day ..its nuts... our washer must run 5 hours a day..ha. And the shoes - dude you never seen so many freakn shoes. I just don't get it like wear flip flops 90% of the time but gotta have 200 pairs of shoes? aaaaaHHHHH!

Who are all these women you live with? No need to reply if that's too nosey.

I know what you mean about clothes changes and laundry. I have no idea how I wound up with two fashionistas as daughters. One of their favorite words in the English language is OUTFIT. They constantly ask each other's opinion on which outfit they should wear. For six months of the year I have one outfit, shorts and a T shirt. I will not be appearing in GQ any time soon.

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