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The Gospel of John
11/10/2013 10:09:56
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>>If you hear His voice, Mike, do not harden your heart. Listen to Him, receive His message,
>> learn of Him, for He is reaching out to save your eternal soul.

>>I think He gave up reaching out for me a long time. He probably took one look at me, turned
>>back around, looked at His board of directors, and said, "Uhm, forget it, we can afford to lose
>>him, he'll never get with the program" :)
>That is the nature of our flesh. It is the spirit He asks us to pursue. It is the spirit to which we must be born again, that spirit being a completely different nature than the flesh, than the "natural man" born in the natural way. It is why Christians are either "born again" or not. The "born again" nature is of the spirit, God's Spirit, which has its purpose on the things of God, whereas the flesh remains self-centered, pursing its own appetites, has solely its purpose on the things of the flesh. Unless a man be born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
>As for Jesus ever giving up on anybody ... He is God. He knows who are His. He knew them before they were born. He knew the sinful things they would do. He sees outside of time, and His sacrifice at the cross was sufficient to pay the debts for all men who come to Him with every sin they've committed, or will commit. He has not lost one that was given to Him by the Father, who draws all men that will be saved to Him.
>The Bible says it this way (Hebrews 7:25):
>"Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."
>Jesus came to save that which was lost. And He did exactly that. All who truly come to Him are saved.
>Here is the Gospel account of John: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OKZnBZPsik
>Here is the Gospel account of Luke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTb4UIbnOHE
>Both convey the same message, demonstrating the many wonders Jesus did. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Watch these movies and hear the Bible as it is, verse by verse, through those books, shown in movie form.

Now here is something I have always been confused about. I was not raised by wolves, I was raised Protestant, and my understanding was Jesus was the son of God, not God himself. Incorrect?


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