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The Gospel of John
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>>>My only comment will be that I am quite sure that Jesus would be rather disgusted at people making
>>>veiled threats.
>>Absolutely He would. It is not for men to do.
>Do you realize that it is what you are doing to Charles? (and others in the thread)

I am repeating the warnings of God. There are no veiled threats. God has told us what will happen to people who do not accept His Son, and more particularly, those who blaspheme His Holy name, and those who are His disciples. The warnings I have given have come from God, repeated by me, to prevent Charles from harming himself, or others.

God teaches that it is a correct thing to warn other people those things God has warned man against. It is the incorrect thing to not warn them.

Satan teaches that we are to let those people live as they want, so long as they're not harming other people. This lie from Hell is designed to comfort people in this world, to allow them to "get along" here in the flesh, keeping them willfully ignorant of the fact that upon the time of their death, they have an appointment with God for eternal judgment.

Satan hates God. He hates us (made in the image of God). He hates everything God stands for (truth, righteousness, holiness, obedience, love, sacrifice, virtue, etc.), and espouses that it is okay to do everything else. He has dominion here and can influence our fallen, sinful flesh. But he is purposefully wrong, leading people to Hell by ALL of his actions.

Only Jesus leads us to truth. Only Jesus teaches us the ways of life, the ways of eternity.

The warnings Christians give other people are appropriate, not only for those other people, but also for themselves, because we are also warned, that "the thing we know to do, yet do not, for us it is sin." It doesn't even have to be an overt act of sin, such as adultery, or adulterous thoughts. If we know to do some good, and yet do not do it, for us it is sin. That is God's Holy Spirit operating in our lives, guiding us, prompting us. It takes much prayer, a life of purposeful holiness, in short the Ephesians 6 armor Paul describes, to walk in that way.

I warn others because I love them. And those who refuse all such warnings will believe that love to be nothing short of condemnation and hate up until the very point of their death when they are finally stripped of this sinful flesh and see things as they really are. They will see our warnings (Christians' warnings) to them presented throughout their life when they are being judged, and they will see the love we had for them in our hearts at every warning, the prayers we made in intercession that they would come out from among the dying and be saved, and they will know then, immediately before they are cast into the eternal pit of Hell forever, that the warning we gave them was real.

People willfully sin. They willfully hate God. They willfully reject the Truth. And that is the ONLY reason they will go to Hell. It will not be because of any failing of God, or a failing of those Christians around them. It is their own heart condition, their attitude of rebellion against everything True, Right, and Holy.

This is all people on the entire world who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is why it *IS* such a pressing matter, because we are not promised tomorrow. We must choose today whom we will serve. And that is why it is written, if today you hear His voice do not harden your heart, but listen to Him, answer Him, because He is reaching out to you to save your eternal soul.

God is love, and His love was manifest at the cross. He redeemed that which was lost. But it is men's pride, men's arrogance, men's rebellion that keeps them from salvation. The price Jesus paid was sufficient to save all men everywhere, yet men will not receive it because their hearts are hard.

I warn people of what's coming so I can stand before God with a clear conscience. So I can take communion with a clear conscience. So I can stand before fellow believers in Christ with a clear conscience, knowing that I am doing my utmost to reach people, to live holy, to do as God commanded of me, and to teach others the same.

It is a very very very difficult walk in this world because the enemy is powerful and comes at you sideways. He is clever beyond words, which is why we must lean into Jesus, into God's Holy Spirit, into the Father who sees all and is greater, and trust in Him to fight our battles for us. It is why we need Jesus, so that we are not consumed by this powerful powerful enemy of God, who is also our enemy.

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