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The Gospel of John
11/10/2013 15:57:13
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>>>Just curious....do you have any thoughts on the actions of Westboro Baptist Church?
>>No. I do not know about them.
>They are way, way worse than you. They show up at the funerals of gays to applaud their deaths.

Such things are not for a Christian to do. We are to warn homosexuals of the eternal consequences of their sin and lack of repentance. Ours is a continual walk of love to warn people because we do not know who it is who will be saved, and at what point in their life. We teach them the ministry of God given unto us through scripture, and we do so as accurately as possible. It is one who plants a seed, another one who waters, but it is always God who gives the increase.

So it is with Christians (born again disciples of Jesus Christ) who teach others about Jesus, about salvation, about sin and repentance, about the nature of the spiritual war going on all around us. We continually teach, and do not judge (except so as to ascertain the reality of the situation, such as judging an alcoholic to be an unrepentant sinner, so as to guide them back onto the path from that place where they are, but never to condemnation, except as in warning them that which God has revealed to us as a warning, that by that warning some might be saved through fear).

God's calls to Christians are one of service, of love. We are priests, ambassadors, servants of the Lord. Jesus said, "He who wants to be first in the Kingdom of God must be the very last, and the servant of all." It is not for us to judge others, but to guide them, to warn them, to tell them those things God has told us.

In short, it is the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20:
"18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

God's call for His servants is very clear. It is the lack of people like this in the world as to why the world is in the state it's in. God's spirit is greater than any influence of the enemy, but people must yield to God to receive Him, and His power. God honors all people's choices, even if those choices lead them entirely and only to Hell. That does not prevent Him from sending His own voice, His messengers, and having many, many witnesses of Himself, of Truth, in that person's life. But in the end, the person is known by God as being one who will hear the Truth or not. They condemn themselves by their own attitude, heart, and rebellious nature.

Those people like those who show up at homosexual funerals to applaud their deaths, they are not walking on the path of Christ. But rather they should show up and teach that Hell is real, and that unless a person be born again they cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, and if they are not saved in that way, then they stand eternally damned already.

The call of the Christian's life is one of torment, ridicule, and that because people love sin more than God. I desire to serve God, and it is why I speak as I do, despite all of the "worldly wisdom" around me espousing whatever it espouses. I speak the truth of God, for His words are spirit, and they are life.

Blessings, Mike. I pray you come to understand this.

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