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23/10/2013 09:47:56
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>In some organizations the title of Architect indicates the lead developer in a group. There may be more than one but it indicates the tip of the pyramid, not everyone in the group. I am sure that is not universal (see DJI) but I have seen it a lot.

Yeah that was pretty much what it meant there too, or at least referred to someone who had project design responsibility.

But that reinforces the point - a programmer writes code. A software architect decides how and why the code is to be written.

(and I think many failed attempts to outsource to "programming shops" have stemmed from pointy-haired bosses not understanding that distinction and failing to realize that only the "programming" part can (possibly) be outsourced in that fashion and the separation of architect from construction crew is often problematic)

>>At DJI they called us Software Architects and that seemed to fit. Architecture to me implies knowing about aesthetics, function and the realities of construction. It also implies understanding context and pleasing the unique needs - and tastes - of clients.
>>And while the architect often doesn't have to lay the bricks or wire the building, he'd better understand all those things. The best architects probably know how it feels to lay bricks.
>>>To me, "computer engineering" means you design and build computers, no software. I've never really liked software engineer, but had employers give me the title. Guess I have to do that. The title I picked for myself in my company is "Chief Software Gardener"
>>>>I have never liked the phrase "computer engineering." There is a quantum difference between what we do and what engineers do. That's not saying we're a bunch of lugnuts, or that we cannot take a rigorous approach to our work, but they are very different. My younger daughter, who is an engineering major, was just here for a short visit. She brought a take-home midterm, which coincidentally is for a comp sci class they have to take. Holy moley. To me the questions looked very intimidating and made me grateful I am out of school. It's comp sci with an engineering spin. For instance, they study MaxPad, a language I had never heard of. (That's MaxPad, 6 letters <g>). She said it's designed for engineers and has things like functions which perform linear algebra. It gave me a headache just looking at it.

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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