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>You know that and I know that but lawmakers who have bloviated about the need for "health care reform" while taking money with both hands from the trial lawyers lobby (one of the consistently largest contributors to the Democratic party) may know but certainly choose to ignore it. It is the reason that the righteousness of those who drove through Obamacare had something of a falseness to it for me.
>It *could* even go beyond that. There are reports (and just that....reports...no hard proof) that the millions of dollars that supposedly went to ACHA website contractors didn't all go to the contractors, that some $$$ got laundered back to the DNC.

Even I could tell Obama (if he asked me nicely) that a project of such magnitude (or even smaller) in version 1.0 never works. Never! Version 1.0 usually is to find the approach that does not work. Then start rewriting the entire project and call it version 2.0. Maybe in version 3.0 it becomes a stable solution.

I hear on the news that they have to correct about 5 million lines of code. Do they mean change the naming convention of variables? :). What they don’t say is that the 5 million lines of code have to be Deleted – Completely. And the new 5 million lines of code should be written. Or maybe 3 million or maybe 10 million. This project – Obamacare web site – reminds me of Boston Big Dig. Started with a few billion dollars and ended with many, many billion dollars (of my money).

During the Y2K time I remember seeing a nice new corvette with the license plate ‘Y2K’.. I bet many people will be driving late model new cars with license plate “Obamacare” :)
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." W.Somerset Maugham

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