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26/10/2013 18:44:41
26/10/2013 14:40:08
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>So cars should be using the carburation system they had in the 50s because we could have kept using the same parts and tuneup skills.
>Car manufacturers came up with improvements and validated them before presenting them to customers as a single consistent product of undoubted value. Certainly each customer did not get a unique carburetor system based on the hobby preferences of their mechanic. A more appropriate analogy would be car manufacturers deciding that a new form of petrol is needed requiring a new engine with the old petrol no longer supported, and then dropping the new petrol in favor of diesel because the vendor makes more profit from diesel- with legions of fanbois singing praises the whole time.
>>>Failure to innovate productively and to embrace the innovation is deadly intellectually, spiritually and practically.
>Yes, but juxtaposing sentences does not create a connection. Apply your sentence to the analogy above and see if it still flies.
>>>Curious - are you still doing new development in VFP? If not, why not. Do you think doing non-legacy VFP development today is an example of standardizing and minimizing variation to improve quality?
>It doesn't matter what I'm doing. The point is that most industries by now were well along the quality path towards standardization, while developers behave like artisan hobbyists who value their individuality very highly and expect the market always will too. But it won't.
>>>But as to my point, I wasn't speaking to the greater good of software development as I am not sure there is such a thing. I simply mean I would have no interest in participating in a field where a skill set I develeped 20, 10, 5 or even 2 years ago was sufficient to ride into retirement (and I say this from the perspective of one who got into the field over 30 years ago when he was over 30 and, like you, had other professional achievements and skills that made learning anything about computers optional at best)
>Yes, but you're painting an extreme position there. Except in times of war, medicine drives innovation far more than any other industry including IT. Vendors have far less power and practitioners have far more control and choice, even with distant HMO administrators trying to limit cost- but even the most individualistic surgeon recognizes the need to standardize and limit variation to ensure quality. You do not immediately switch to a new hit prosthesis and an vendor who discontinues equipment before customers are ready soon will have an empty order book. Even if the surgeon can cope with a myriad of intricate variations, the rest of the team cannot and the surgeon gives up the joyful pursuit of self-expression for the benefit of the patient. Maybe you can't see the difference, but I can.

I appreciate your point as to medicine but I think you realize I am not advocating for following fads, only for retooling ones attitudes and skillsets appropriately for changing needs. Yhe human body and its ills has traditionally not been the fast moving target that tech has been.

Our field has a lot of instances where needs changed but some developers kept insisting this did not require new approaches to handle those needs. If your tool was the best thing anyone had seen for writing desktop datacentric LAN apps with limited UI expectations then you should be able to continue to use that tool to write asynchronous responsive UI apps against data stores exposed on the web and do all the tests etc that are now considered best practice. And I think that mindset caused a lot of folks to waste a lot of time trying to ignore the future (MS and the internet) or try to solve this years problem with the tools of their salad days.

As new challenges are met it takes a while for competing ideas as to how to solve them to shake out and one can certainly get burned by jumping too soon or picking one's gurus to carelessly ( I put Silverlight and god knows how much else MS "leadership" in that category) But that doesn't mean in a field that moves this fast that we can't assume a lot of what we did 5 years ago needs to be rethought.

I had no agenda asking what kind of development you were doing or supervising personally other than genuine curiousity. My impression had been you were rather convinced cross platform approaches that allowed for responsidve UI and diverse backends were not just a fad, and if so, I really am interested to see who, among those whose mental skills I do not question, is attempting to meet those challenges with the technologies we all depended on 10 or 15 years ago. Still would like to know.

Again, I am only stating my personal preference for rapid change and constant evolution of ideas. I get bored easily and probably feel at a competitive disadvantage when the race goes to the dilligent over dilletante. <s>

>>>(this was my first opportunity to use a Ricky Nelson quote in a UT post. You're welcome <g> )
>Straight over my head, I'm afraid- my knowledge of US culture is recent. ;-)

(Ricky Nelson was the youngest son of Ozzie and Harriett - a staple of white-picket fence American TV of the 50s - which explains a lot about why we all turned to drugs in the 60s. When he got older, he did a song called "Garden Party" - pretty much the high point of his limited catalog IMO - which chronicled a party of old rockers still stuck in who they were )

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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