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(Continuation 2) Re: Developing Web based apps
10/11/2013 08:19:58
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(Continuation 2) Re: Developing Web based apps
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Continuation of Message ID:1587651

">As you say yourself, we should be thankful that strong men let us sleep at night.
>And as my daughters say, this is getting a little gay ;-) They are growing up in a less homophobic country than we grew up in. They both know homosexuals without caring about it or being gay themselves. Even Illinois, which is pretty conservative below I-90, has outlawed discrimination against gays and lesbians and made gay marriage legal. It is the 15th state to do so and will not be the last. Allie and Emily just take it for granted. Most of the recalcitrants are literally dying off, like racists."

We must remember that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah BEFORE the final day of judgment because of their sexual perversion. And we are warned in scripture through prophesy that this will happen in the last times, that knowledge will increase, that all truth will be thrown to the ground, and that people will be deceived into believing falseness by their own heart's desires.

God commands all people everywhere to repent, to come out from among the falseness and be saved. Jesus is the Savior. He paid the price for sin at the cross and is able to take away your eternal death sentence for your sin. It's why He came. It's what His name means, "Jesus" (Yeshua in the original Greek) literally means "God Who Saves".

Jesus' new commandment was this: That we love one another as He has loved us, so we must love one another.

Our safety and security does not come from men fighting other men. God uses everything to provide for those who will be saved, including the sinful acts of men, such as fighting and killing one another when we are commanded to love one another, and to forgive our enemies, and do good to those who hurt us, and spitefully use us, etc.

God has given us His guidance in the Holy Bible. We do not need to guess or wonder about what it is we should be doing. He loves us, has provided for us, wants with grand longing to help us, to save us, to guide us, to teach us, if we will only turn an ear to Him and listen.

If you hear His voice today, do not harden your heart. Listen to Him, He is calling out to you to save you from the eternal punishment of sin, your sin, which is eternal death because you really were made in the image of God, and you are an amazing and powerful creation, and unless you are willing to obey the Truth, which is God Himself for He is literal truth, you are going to perish in your sin, in your disobedience, in your rebellion.

God is The Almighty. There is none greater than Him, and He put down EVERY enemy there was with Jesus' death at the cross, the great and powerful arm of God reaching down out of Heaven, grabbing hold of Jesus at the cross like a sword handle, the cross post extending down into Hell like a sword blade, running every one of God's enemies completely through. With that one sacrifice, God defeated all of His enemies. It's why Jesus said on the cross, "It is finished."

Jesus has restored all things unto God, and God's judgment is at hand. He has given each of us this time to repent and be saved from the coming wrath, but rest assured that the wrath will come. The Day of the Great White Throne Judgment is real. And every person who's ever lived will be summoned by name to face the music, and unless you be born again, as by answering the call God has upon your life, you will be thrown headlong into the lake of fire where you will be tormented day and night forever. There will be no rest. There will be no relenting. Only eternal damnation in the lake of fire.

God warns everyone of this in advance so that no one need go there. The price Jesus paid on the cross was sufficient to cover your sin as well as everyone else's. Trust in Him. Listen to Him. Answer Him. Jesus is Love, Truth, everything that your inmost man longs for is found in Him, and in Him alone.

Jesus is everything, by and through whom everything was made ... including you. He knows the way back to His Kingdom. He stands at the door of your soul and knocks. Answer Him, and live.

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