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CSS Order of processing
19/12/2013 04:04:35
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Thank you. I am going to read and study the spec.

>Here's the full spec :
>-but Thierry summed it up very well.
>FWIW If you had used an identical selector you would win if it came later.
>>Thierry, I wanted to thank you again for the reference and explanation about Specificity of selectors. Honestly, this is the first time I have read/heard about it. Good information to know.
>>But I was wondering, in your opinion, do you think Bootstrap designer(s) deliberately "build" up their selector Number so that their rule "wins" most of the time?
>>>Selector specificity
>>>    count the number of ID selectors in the selector (= a)
>>>    count the number of class selectors, attributes selectors, and pseudo-classes in the selector (= b)
>>>    count the number of type selectors and pseudo-elements in the selector (= c)
>>>Concatenating the three numbers a-b-c (in a number system with a large base) gives the specificity. 
>>>Applied to your case:
>>>b=1 (.table)
>>>c=3 (tbody, tr, td)
>>>table.my_table td
>>>b=1 (.my_table)
>>>c=2 (table, td)
>>>Bootstrap wins over You!
>>>You should win using:
>>>table.table.my_table tr td
>>>>I always thought that by placing my CSS rule after some other CSS rule, my rule rules (pun intended).
>>>>But here is a case where it does not work and I need to understand why.
>>>>I use Bootstrap.min.css
>>>>And I have my CSS (Dmitry.less which is the same as CSS)
>>>>My Dmitry.less in the header is AFTER bootstrap.
>>>>I have a rule
>>>>table.my_table td {
>>>>   padding: 5px;
>>>>But when I inspect the td of the table the padding is 8px. So I find that right above my rule (in Chrome Developer Mode) I see the rule set by Bootstrap.css
>>>>.table>thead>tr>th, .table>tbody>tr>th, .table>tfoot>tr>th, .table>thead>tr>td, .table>tbody>tr>td, .table>tfoot>tr>td {
>>>>padding: 8px;
>>>>line-height: 1.428571429;
>>>>vertical-align: top;
>>>>border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
>>>>And the Bootstrap padding overrules mine. When I uncheck the Bootstrap padding my padding works.
>>>>The class for the table in HTML is defined as:
>>>><table class="table my_table"
>>>>What puzzles me is that my .CSS/LESS is after the Bootstrap.css class "table". And yet Boostrap.css is used. This is not the first place where I find this type of "strange" behavior.
>>>>What am I missing?
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