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(Continuation) Re: Philadelphia VFP User Group
11/02/2014 13:33:54
11/02/2014 13:03:10
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>>Jesus wants to take away your wasted life,
>Check out Luke 6:37:
>Do not judge, and you will not be judged.
>Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.
>Then check out Matthew and Paul on the same subject.
>Pope Francis says it another way:
>Who am I to judge someone else?
>Your ideas on free-sharing and charity are laudable, but where does judging the value
>of other people's lives and telling them that what they're doing is morally wrong fit into

I do not judge anyone, Bill. The Bible teaches that all of our lives, every ounce of gain we receive here from men, that all of it is loss. Lives pursued toward those ends are entirely wasted.

[EDIT: I will make it clear that there is common grace, and there are provisions we must receive here for our flesh, and that gains toward those ends, while not eternal gains, are necessary things here. My purpose in "every ounce of gain" here are those gains beyond need, our a pursuit of excess, or things here, rather than of things above (money instead of love, charity, assistance, and so on).]

It is only when we do things which live on that we have a reward which lasts. Acts of charity, of loving, of giving, God uses all of those for His eternal purposes, but it is only those who believe in His Son who will be forgiven, and who can do anything which is not part of a wasted life, because they have believed on the One who /*is*/ life, and the things they do thereafter are done for Him, which means they will endure.

I examine those things around me, I look at what is being done, and then I apply the Christian teaching to it (love thy neighbor as thyself, if you see someone without, give to them, and so on). I do these things personally (to the best of my ability), and I also continually teach others what we should be doing. I live a lonely life, Bill, because nobody wants to hear these things because they are from God, and they are spirit, and they are living and active and cut right to the core of each man's soul, including my own. I fall short in so many ways, yet I continually pick myself up and strive to do better because I have His Spirit within me guiding me, prompting me, directing me, and so on.

Jesus taught us, "You will know them by their fruit," that we might be able to assess a situation. It is not ours to judge, but it is ours to be vigilant, observant, and then respond with the proper teaching so as to guide errant believers, and the errant souls of this world, back to the path of truth, to Jesus, to eternal salvation.

The Christian lives to do the things Jesus came here to do: save men's souls. Jesus teaches us about the spiritual battle, even saying to Peter at one point, "Get behind me, Satan" when Peter spoke with the voice of Satan trying to prevent Jesus from going through what He must during His passion and death on the cross.

Satan is a spirit. God is a spirit. The battle that is taking place is spiritual. And unless someone is born again of the spirit, they will not know the spirit of truth, but only what their flesh tells them, and our flesh is fallen in sin. It is leading all of us continually toward evil, toward satiating personal lusts, rather than doing those things we should be doing as the eternal beings made in the very image of God we were created to be.

This enemy we face has come to steal, kill, destroy. Period. That is all. His fate was sealed when he first opened his mouth in a lie, and his fate was confirmed when Jesus died on the cross. Satan is never coming back from where he's going, and everyone who believes his lies will fall with him. Only those who desire to come out from those lies, who are willing to hear the truth, repent, and be saved, will be saved.

This is a real teaching. A real battle is taking place before each of us. None of us is immune to it. God is calling out to all of you through these words, asking you to come. And if you do He has forgiveness and eternal life that He will give you free of charge! All you have to do is believe and ask Him to come in to your life. And if you do not, these words will burn like hot coals in your mind for eternity because here was a man showing you the way the Lord told us to pursue, a man guiding you to the One who can forgive your sins and set you on the path of eternal life with Him forever, shining like the stars, and you will have blown it. You will have "cast away your birthright (eternal life, restored unto God) for a bowl of soup (some personal thing you desire here in this short wisp of a life)."

Jesus commands that all believers everywhere teach those whom they are around these things. We too will stand before God someday. Ours will not be of judgment for not believing, for those who believe in Jesus Christ are sealed for eternity, but rather there is some system of reward at work, and we will suffer loss for the times we had an opportunity to speak, but chose to remain silent.

My life on this board is not more than my life in real life. I do not boldly say things here that I do not say in face-to-face encounters with those who are around me. As I say, mine is a lonely life. I do not have friends. I have work acquaintenances, because people keep me at arm's length. They recognize my computer skills and talents, but they get tired of hearing about Jesus, about salvation, when it comes up through things that happen, and through the writings on my whiteboard, and the audio bible they listen to when they come into my office, and so on.

Our lives really must be on about the things of eternity, Bill, and that means we pursue Jesus with the wholeness, the fullness of our lives. We do not have a divided pursuit where we keep "religious stuff over there" and "other things over here" (or vice-versa). It is a whole man operating in this world, undivided, purposed, serving the Lord, or serving Satan. There is no middle ground. If you're not all in, you're all out.

I pursue the Lord greatly in my life, yet I fail continually on so many points it brings me to tears. I am wrapped up in this sinful flesh which has draws and pulls toward all manner of evil and vile lusts. It is something that keeps me continually in prayer, upon my knees, seeking to serve the Lord with greater passion, to be around believers, to pray and cast out those things which try to attack me. I've stayed home today because I could feel the attack from this forum, and from others. It is a real spiritual force which reaches out and attacks with great dispatch those who stand up for Jesus Christ in this world. It weighs upon a person, like that weight you can feel on your chest from some decision you have in your life, but it comes from the spiritual battle and those people who are unwitting followers of Satan, not knowing that theirs is a walk toward Hell, a full-on march toward Hell even, that they are being deceived continually. Those people who are lost possess within them that spirit of the anti-Christ. They engage in false things, scorn true things, and the spirits within them seek out and attack those who would speak the truth, speak the words God spoke, and it is done around the world to all Christians everywhere who are truly following after the Lord.

Satan is presently the god of this world. God Almighty, the one True God, has given him this world for a time. But his time is fast approaching, and he knows his time is short. He is going to round up Christians and many of them will be put to death. Many today are already being put to death. And I have no doubts that were I to stand among a great many of you face-to-face you would not sit idly by and simply walk away, but the anger and scorn and even rage would rise up in the flesh of many and come against me. This has always been the case with true followers of Jesus Christ. They are killed, so that the words of truth they speak will be silenced, because the anti-Christ spirit that is in this world does not want to hear it, and does not want the people of this world who are hearing it to be saved.

Jesus' words are life. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. And what Jesus is offering to everyone is a most real thing. Every person on this Earth is invited to come. He will turn no one away. And that is the message of every true Christian: You need Jesus! I need Jesus! We all need Jesus! And once we find Him, there are things we must do in this world. His Spirit gives us power, but we still must make the choice to pursue Him. There are rewards, and sin exists even in the believer's life if they do not follow that inner call of God's Holy Spirit, if they know they should do something, or say something, and don't.

What is coming is eternal. It is forever. It is without end. Jesus has saved me. And He will save you. But as for the rest ... every last person who will not hear the truth will be cast into the burning lake of fire forever. And that is the sole thing I am trying to address here with these messages, so that people will be saved.

I care enough to risk my friendship or relationship with you, with the other people in my life, that they might hear the truth and come out. Mine is a seed planted, or a seed watered, but it is only God Himself that will provide the increase. When a person is alone. When they are walking down the street. When they see someone's smile. When they see a father and son. When they see a leaf falling down onto the street... God can use anything to turn a person's heart, but that person must be willing to hear it and receive it.

The Christian moves in this world to guide people to Jesus. They point to Him and say, "YOU need Him to save you because you have sinned," at the same time they say that they also need Him because of their sin.

None of us is alone in this world. God has woven us together in grand fashion. He brings people together in our lives so that we might come to experience things from each other. The Christian will continually point to Jesus and say "from Him," "to Him," "for Him," because of Him," and so on. It is the truth that we pursue, and the truth is all things come from Him, and all things are returning to Him, and not everything that has been created will endure with Him in eternity, but only those things who are willing to hear the truth, obey the truth, and pursue the truth with the great passion of their lives will be saved.

Jesus is the way.
Jesus is the truth.
Jesus saves men's souls from Hell.
And there is no other way.

This is my message. And for those who take heed, run to Him. Time is short. There is a real battle taking place for your soul. Pick up your Bibles, attend church, ask Him to become the head of your life, to undo the work of the enemy, to send His Holy Spirit to undo the false things in your life, and to renew your mind and spirit to focus on those things which are of Him, which are eternal.

And for those who do not take heed, reconsider. Test for yourself. Read the Bible and prove me wrong. Seek to know if what I say is really true or not. Seek the truth. You will find it.

I pray that everyone who reads these words will ask of God and receive, because He is a tremendous giver, of life, of salvation, of blessings, of more. He is literally the giver of everything.


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