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(Continuation2) Re: Announcement -- Visual FreePro, Jr
17/02/2014 17:29:57
17/02/2014 16:46:38
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>>>Visual FreePro is not highly valued among men. Men everywhere completely shun it
>>>because it is an offering unto God.
>Yes, but you cause that yourself by tying the proposition to Jesus, thereby cutting out
>good people whose beliefs are different.

I cannot build upon any other foundation. Only His is eternal, and as a Christian, I am following the guidance He gave.

>>>Men are looking for business initiatives, something they can gain from monetarily,
>>>and quickly. Visual FreePro is about building a sharing, caring, loving community
>>>of giving helpers centered on the true foundation, Jesus Christ, and His teachings.
>Samaritans were despised when Jesus was alive, but did he shun them? No- he passed
>through their towns, spoke to women at the well, told parables about the Good Samaritan,
>and told his disciples that the time would come when worshiping in Jerusalem Vs Mount
>Gerazim would not be important. Whereas you seem determined to cross the Jordan to
>avoid them rather than following his example. Ask yourself whether some of those you
>exclude are Good Samaritans who may believe differently from you, but still found favor
>in the Savior's eyes.

Which people have I shunned? Who have I turned away? I have had one person come to me asking to help, Hernan, and he is helping. I have not had any other people come to help on this project. I have had a long line of detractors asking me to turn away from Jesus in its creation and propagation, so as to "come back to my senses" and pursue the "right things of business" by keeping my "religion over there" and my "business interests over here," that never the twain shall meet.

It's simply the wrong way to be to divide oneself like that. It leads to the world we have. The truth is we are not divided people. We are all in, or we are all out, for Jesus. There is no middle ground.

>>>This is what all people everywhere are supposed to do with all things in their life.
>So where is the place for Metin and Tamar in your efforts?

All people are welcome to help.

>Why would you deliberately shut them out as a gift to Jesus who said not to do that?

I have not, and would not.

>My advise is to hold your aspirations close to your heart and shine forth inclusion and
>generosity. Be like the fundamentalist Christian congregations who quietly fund mission
>hospitals in Africa without publicity or hope for any reward in this life and without trying to
>limit care to those of similar color or creed. No gongs and clashing cymbals to advertize
>their goodness: those who believe know that these people will be richly rewarded later.

In which ways have I advertised my goodness? I point to the one who has given me my skills, talents, and abilities. I call upon Him by name, saying that if there are any talents I possess, they came not from me, but from Him, and it is to Him I desire to return all of these skills I possess.

I believe you have things misconstrued, John.

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