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(Continuation2) Re: Announcement -- Visual FreePro, Jr
17/02/2014 18:18:15
17/02/2014 17:45:59
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., Nouvelle Zélande
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>Imagine for a moment you said that Visual Freepro is intended as a gift for white people
>who live in the USA- but foreigners and colored folk are not excluded- you'd never do that,
>of course they are allowed to help deliver the result.
>Still OK?
>Focus on the example I gave, of Midwest congregations quietly funding mission hospitals in
>Africa. People like me turn up to assist, because it's easy to see when good work is going on
>even if I belong to a Samaritan faith. If they'd banged cymbals and linked participation to their
>own particular belief or required acknowledgement of their shining gift to Jesus as part of the
>proposition, they'd have struggled to staff the place. Instead the head physician was an atheist
>from Maine who now runs the Medical School in Mozambique after a career doing good works.

Christians follow Jesus Christ. Anyone who wants to follow the Christian must also follow, or be in allowance, of Jesus Christ being in their life. It is the same for anyone who comes to this project. If they are willing to follow along with a project that owes every aspect about it to Jesus, then they are welcome, no matter who they are. And when the project is finished, there will not be any test for who can use it. You simply go to the download page, and download it. If you choose to give back, time, money, there's a forum to find other seekers, and donate button to give money.

When Jesus was here, He was teaching people the new covenant. He was explaining the deep things of God to those who had only known the Mosaic Law. His was a continuous teaching ministry.

After Pentecost, things are different. God's Holy Spirit is here upon this Earth, given unto men, and He has written His Law upon our hearts. We have a conscience, and we know right from wrong. Every man who sins is without excuse, and knows they are sinning, or at least knew they were sinning in the beginning (because the more they sin, the less they hear their conscience, until finally they have seared it away by their own malice toward God's guidance).

Jesus meets all people where they are, and He knows from within who will follow Him, who will hear the truth, who will be obedient unto Him. It's how He came to save me, a professed God-hating atheist and debater of the same. Many an argument I "won" (in my own eyes) before I came to believe, yet know I denounce every last comment I made about my former position as being totally wrong, utterly blind, and of complete loss to me, my family, friends, everyone. Yet God knew that I would hear the truth, and He called out to me, and I heard Him, and now I follow Him. It is the same for all people who are born again. They are re-written from within, no longer only able to hear the call and draw of their flesh, but this new thing is "switched on" and now they can receive input from a place that was previously dead to them. It could be like someone who had never heard a sound, and now they receive an operation and can hear for the first time. The entirety of their world has changed. It is very much like that because we could not hear the call of God previously, but once we are born again, not only do we hear it, we desire innately to follow it. It is only this sinful flesh which continues to pull against and war against that internal, spiritual call. It requires constant prayer to keep the sinful flesh at bay, and it is there where the real battle lies: Christians must pray continually in supplication asking God to surround them with His Holy Spirit, His Holy angels to guide us continually in this fallen world, lest we too fall into sin.

We are upon this Earth as servants. We are here for a time, but this place is not our Home. We have a true Home, an eternal Home, and while we are here we are Ambassadors of Heaven, of our King, of His Holy, eternal realm. We are Priests and Servants unto men. We go out of our way continually to point others to the way of Jesus Christ, to say that "here is the only way given unto man by which we must be saved," and that there is no other way. Jesus alone saves men, and it is to Him we point continually.

Only those who can hear the call of God will be able to receive this. To everyone else it will be utter foolishness (because it is spiritually discerned). If you can hear this call, do not limit yourself, do not deny the call, but rather embrace it, and call out unto God asking for more of His Holy presence in your life, to undo the work of the enemy, to put your feet on the path leading to Him, and to surround you continually that you not stumble again. Ask Him for forgiveness of your sin, and to be saved, and He will forgive your sin and save you. And then ask Him to be with you continually for the rest of your life, and He will be there with you continually, closer than a brother.

Jesus is Love. He is Truth. He is Life. He is THE Way. There is no other name given under Heaven by which we must be saved. He is Jesus, "God who saves" ... literally.

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