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The Battle
17/02/2014 18:06:53
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Rick, PLEASE take this elsewhere. Even within the wide boundaries of what is discussed here this is not the place for it.

Please understand I have no disrespect for your religious beliefs, which are obviously deeply held.

>I will explain as best I can what is happening right now upon this Earth. Consider it a warning, and all who hear should take heed today, and repent.
>There are no battles between men. That is an illusion, a secondary effect from the primary causality, which is the true battle taking place.
>There is a spiritual battle at work. It is a battle for men's souls, and Satan is enticing all of those who will not hear the truth to follow his evil spirit, whereas those who will hear the truth listen to God, to Jesus Christ, and follow His Holy Spirit.
>The battle is for your eternal destination. God has established laws which cannot be changed. All men who sin are eternally condemned. But God is not a brute, and although He is foundational, eternal, and He has laid down laws which cannot be changed, He was not willing that mankind be condemned because of the sin and fall of Adam and Eve. Instead, before He ever created the world He had a plan of rescue for mankind. He Himself would pay the price of our iniquity, that we might live.
>There is a payment due for every sin. It is death. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And Romans 6:23 says, "The wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord."
>God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our eternal condemnation. It is why people who follow Him are called "saved." They have been "born again" of the spirit, and that battle that is being fought for men's souls is, for them, no longer a losing affair. Instead, having accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are able to enter into the Kingdom of God forever upon their death. As for everyone else, upon their death they will enter into perdition forever.
>The battle taking place is the spiritual battle. It is which spirit a person will listen to and obey. You either follow the anti-Christ spirit, or the Holy Spirit of the true Christ, Jesus. Only Jesus is the Spirit of Truth. And only Jesus leads men rightly, toward eternity, toward salvation, toward mutual growth, prosperity, love, and a strong helping of one another. The enemy's spirit is a spirit of lies, falsehood, deception, trickery, and leads men to their eternal destruction.
>The battle that is being fought is not for land, or money, or power, but for your eternal soul. Every one of us has an appointment with eternity. The choices we make here in this world determine where we will spend our eternity. It will either be in Heaven with the author of the universe, Jesus, the one who made each and every one of us, and the one whose image we were created in, or it will be Hell, eternal separation from God in unending agony and torture, a right fitting jail for eternal beings made in the image of God, possessing of His eternal attributes, being able to shine like the stars forever were they not so incarcerated.
>The purpose of our life here on this Earth is to glorify God. We must meet Him, before which we can do no good thing. And upon meeting Him, we must repent of our sin and choose to pursue Him with the things we posses. The first commandment Jesus summed up for the inquiring man who asked, "What is the greatest commandment," was, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and the second is like unto it, love thy neighbor as thyself."
>For God do I offer up Visual FreePro, and the other things of my life. I desire to serve Him and His teachings by my actions. I make a lot of mistakes and I am still learning how to do this properly in this world which is so far away from His teachings and guidance. In addition, I have a constant influx of people telling me that the pursuits I'm on about are the exact wrong ways to be, yet when I read the scriptures I see my actions aligning more and more with His teachings. The effort I pursue brings me to tears often, as I weep in being alone, in striving continually yet finding no fruit among men, and in continually witnessing to people who shun me and laugh me to scorn for my witness, not knowing that all the while the reason they are laughing as they are is because they are following the great deceptive spirit, the evil anti-Christ spirit, the one that is leading them to their own destruction.
>God guides men rightly, and Jesus alone is the way. He is the Truth. He is the Light of men. He guides all men out of darkness, and into eternity. There is no other way.
>Jesus does not turn anyone away, but everyone who comes to Him will be received by Him and they too will enter into eternity forever. No one on that final day will be able to say, "I did not know," or "I was not given a chance." In multiple ways Jesus has revealed Himself to everyone on this planet many many times. Everyone who has turned away from Him is absolutely without excuse. Yet, it is never too late, until the day of our death, and none of us know what day that will be.
>If today you hear His voice calling to you on the inside, do not harden your heart toward Him, but ask Him to come and reveal Himself to you that you too might come to know Him, repent, and be saved.
>The time is fast approaching of the end. Mockers will continue to grow in their mockery, and those who follow after a true path of Jesus Christ will continue to be mocked, and ultimately rounded up, beaten, killed. This was all foretold by God, so we know it to be true. And the evidence of the growing hostility toward true believers is absolutely evident.
>Jesus gave us a new commandment, that we love one another as He loved us, so we must love one another. And He gave us marching orders, to go out into the world and make disciples. This is an active endeavor, one that requires ongoing teaching.
>No man can come to Jesus unless the Father in Heaven draw him. It requires a supernatural act to be able to hear the spirit of truth in the first place. Just as our first birth, the miracle of life was just that: a miracle, so is our second birth, that any of us unholy, sinful people can hear the call of a Holy, Holy, Holy God. Yet, it is God the Father, who can do all things, who does this. It is not by our own power, or some special ability or searching or researching we have done, but it is from within. Just as we could not cause ourselves to be born of this flesh, we cannot cause ourselves to be born again of the spirit either. It is from within. It is something God the Father does for those who will be saved, knowing the criteria, and saving all those who will hear the truth, and pursue it with their lives.
>Everyone else will be lost world-wide.
>If you hear His call, do not harden your heart. Seek Him. He will save you too. He will save everyone who comes to Him. He will not turn any away. Jesus alone saves men's eternal souls from Hell, and, as He said on the cross, offers them an eternity "in paradise." The sufferings we go through here upon this Earth are insufficient to compare against the joy which awaits those who believe, and are saved.
>Do not turn away from Jesus. Turn toward Jesus. On your knees. With both arms out. Ask Him to change your life and to save you as well. He will. He does this for all who truly come to Him.
>If you'd like to private message me, please do so. I will stand with you in prayer, and I will reach out my hands to help you as well, that my Lord and Savior may be forever praised.

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