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The Battle
18/02/2014 08:45:02
18/02/2014 07:52:36
Hilmar Zonneveld
Independent Consultant
Cochabamba, Bolivia
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>>Jesus will forgive you... Just ask Him.
>Forgive what, exactly?...

Forgive sins.

Have you ever told a lie in your whole life? If yes, that makes you a liar, and a violator of God's commandment, "Do not bear false witness."
Have you ever stolen anything in your whole life? If yes, that makes you a thief, and a violator of God's commandment, "Do not steal."
Have you ever committed adultery in your whole life? Jesus says if you lust after a woman in your heart, you have already committed adultery with her in your heart. If yes, that makes you an adulterer, and a violator of God's commandment, "Do not commit adultery."
Have you ever desired something your neighbor possesses that you do not possess? If yes, that coveting, and a violator of God's commandment, "Do not covet."

And there are many more laws that God ordained.

The Law of Moses was given to demonstrate to man that we cannot keep the law, but all of us at some points fail and fall. It was given to point to the one who could keep the whole Law, and who would come here to save us.

We need Jesus to pay for our sins, or else we must pay for them. It's like the sentence at the end of a criminal hearing. The judge (God) finds you guilty (of committing sins against His Law) and sentences you to death. But, in God's "legal system" a sacrificial offering could be made in your place. The Jews used to do this as a daily sacrifice, to hold off God's judgment, looking continually forward to the coming Messiah who would restore all things. We (Christians) know that man to be Jesus.

So in this case of our courtroom trial, we are found guilty of sinning against God's Law. But Jesus, who is our attorney, after hearing the sentence and knowing that God's Law cannot be violated, steps up and says, "I will take His punishment," to which the judge (God) says, "Alright. Sir, you are free to go," and as Jesus goes to pay the price of your sin by dying on the cross, taking on your shame, being crushed by God the Father in Hell after dying, you step onto the streets of gold to live a life in paradise with God, your entire guilty slate wiped clean for all eternity.

And Jesus did this voluntarily. It's why He was born into this world as one of us, as a man, that He might live as us, be under our Law, and then die the sacrificial atoning death on the cross for all of those who would believe on Him. And for all of those who believe, they are no longer condemned, but they have passed from eternal death to eternal life, and they have nothing to fear in death, for it is the gateway to eternity, to the restored life with God forever.

But those who have not received Him have much to fear, because when they die they will go to that courtroom. It is even given a powerful name, "The Great White Throne Judgement." The Bible says it this way, Revelation 20:11-15, "11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

The lake of fire is the second death. We die first in the flesh, die in our bodies, but then we spiritually stand before God awaiting our eternal sentence. There, if we did not receive Him while we were here in this world, in our bodies, then we will pay our eternal price in Hell.

God knows who will accept and receive Him world-wide. And not one soul ever has been lost. Everyone who will receive Him has been (past tense) saved, even those people who are not yet born. Jesus did all of this at the cross. Being God He looked backward and forward through time, and He took on all of the sin of all of those people who would believe in Him, that they may be spared the punishment due by their sin.

For everyone else, their own condemnation rests squarely upon them, and they will pay the price on that day. It's why Jesus gives men a long life (many years) to come to receive Him. Everyone will try to say, "I did not know," or, "I never had a chance to believe," on that day, and then in a type of 3D holographic presentation will be shown around them as time after time Jesus revealed Himself to them in their life, and at each point they turned away.

The Bible says, "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth," as people are thrown into the lake of fire. Weeping because they then, stripped of this sinful flesh, able to know spiritual things, will know what they lost. Gnashing of teeth because they will be so angry that they didn't listen when they had the chance, knowing then that it is too late for them ... forever.

"Choose ye this day whom ye will serve," says the scripture. All of us do this every day. We will follow the spirit of Truth, God's Holy Spirit, or we will follow the spirit of deception, of lies, of falsehood, Satan's demonic spirit.

We all choose every day. And only those who accept Jesus Christ into their heart, and pursue Him with their life, will be saved. It is what all of us who are born in this world face. And it is this very message that the evil spirits who try to silence this message from being spoken in daily life attempt to achieve by silencing those who would speak it, or by encouraging people to divide their lives, to keep the "religious stuff" over there, and everything else "over here," that the two should be separate. That is the spirit of the anti-Christ, working diligently to keep people from coming into this knowledge to know the truth, and to hear it, and believe, and also be saved.

We are not promised tomorrow. Seek to find out the truth today. Seek for yourself, before it is too late. None of us know when our appointment at the Great White Throne Judgment will be. Ask God to help you, and He will. He is Faithful and True.


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