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19/02/2014 05:04:54
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Luke 10:25-28 American Standard Version (ASV)
25 And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and made [inquiry] of him, saying, Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
26 And he said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?
27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.
28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

There are many within and without the Christian churches who try to divide people. They introduce thoughts, ideas, or any other thing to try to separate or tear down. But God is not divided, and only God's Holy Spirit is the spirit of unity. It is the spirit of the anti-Christ which is divided, for he, the enemy has come to steal, kill, destroy, and nothing else.

Jesus prays before going through His passion in John 17:9-11:
9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for those whom thou hast given me; for they are thine:
10 and all things that are mine are thine, and thine are mine: and I am glorified in them.
11 And I am no more in the world, and these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name which thou hast given me, that they may be one, even as we are [one].

The division we see in the church today is the result of unholy spirits let into our lives through sin, unholy pursuits in people's lives, by their choices. People have the authority to make choices in this world. And because of sin, people are filled with pride and choose to do the things their sinful flesh desires, rather than what is right in God's sight, and even as per their conscience. All people who pursue such ends will enter into Hell.

Jesus made it very clear that only a few are on the narrow way leading to life. The rest are on the wide way to eternal destruction. Why? Because of one reason: pride. People in their sinful flesh are full of pride, believing that what they do is justified even when it is so very clear that their actions are in violation of God's commandments, and their own conscience. The way back from that unenviable place is to humble yourself, to be broken in spirit, to realize that you are a sinner, that you have sinned, and you need to be forgiven. And Jesus is the only one who can forgive your sins eternally. Not me, not your pastor, not your parents or friends, only Jesus. We can forgive the bad things you've done to us, but it requires an eternal God to wash away your sins, restoring you to the perfect state The Law demands.

Jesus is real. He is alive today. He was here physically as a man, died, on the third day rose again, and now is in Heaven until His return. He is coming for the harvest. He will gather the wheat into His barn (those who will live eternally), and burn up the chaff (those who will perish in Hell eternally). The example we have here on Earth of the harvest, is part of God's design. He has given us many such examples here on this Earth. Fruit. Vegetables. But also weeds, devouring insects. These are tangible examples of the spiritual things going on in our life. We must "keep our garden clean" if we want to bear a proper harvest. And if we fail to do so, then the overrun nature, all of a man's pomp, arrogance, and pride, will forever on that final day be swallowed up in Hell, never to wreak havoc anywhere again.

God's Holy Spirit is a powerful, unifying force. He is alive, and He empowers people to move. He gives them direction and purpose. It is that spirit, God's Holy Spirit, that we must pursue in our life. If we do not, we are not doing the will of God, we have no life in us, and even though we seem outwardly to be alive, that is only our sinful flesh (which will perish), yet the true self, our eternal soul, is damned for we are not alive spiritually. Only those who humble themselves in meekness, and repent, and ask forgiveness of God for their sins, will be born again, and will be saved. We cannot enter into the rebirth until we seek God, and we cannot seek God until God the Father draws us to His Son. It is a miracle of God that He can know the outcome of our salvation before we are able to be saved. It is another example of how amazing and awesome God is.

This world is a proving ground. We are subjected to a continuous bombardment of trials, of temptation to sin as per the lusts of the flesh. Those who purposefully spurn the flesh and pursue God's Holy Spirit, they alone will live. Everyone else will perish. A person must be born again or they cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Seek God with your life. Humble yourself before Him. Ask Him to forgive your sins, and save you from Hell. Read the Bible to increase and maintain your faith ("faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"). And ask God to straighten out your life. If you pursue an active relationship with Him, He will do just that.

Pray continually. Remember Him in all things. Commit all your works to Him, and He will guide and direct your paths forever. His ways are life, growth, prosperity, gain, eternal increase. They are not the ways of this world. The enemy is the cause of all the problems in this world today, Satan, his unholy spirit, and his unholy spirit-based demonic army going out into all the world to tempt men into sin.

God is the solution to every woe, every problem, every issue you possess. Turn everything in your life over to God and watch Him sort it all out, and work miracles in your life, and in the lives of all those around you. He is that powerful, and when we turn to Him He moves as per our requests, our prayers, our interests, on our behalf, to touch those around you.

In short: Trust in the Lord in all of your ways. Trust in the Lord and believe in Him.


PS - Why do I write all of this? Because I care about you. You have an eternal soul, and I desire that you be saved and continue on being the bright, beaming, wonderful creation made in the very image of God that you are.

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