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Continuation of Message #1594531 - Use of WHERE
22/02/2014 00:40:15
General information
Microsoft SQL Server
SQL syntax
Continuation of Message #1594531 - Use of WHERE
Environment versions
SQL Server:
SQL Server 2008
Thread ID:
Message ID:
This is a continuation of Message #1594531 in the Chatter/Religion section. The message used the word WHERE, and it reminded me of a SQL programming question people sometimes ask regarding WHERE.

For instance, in the MS AdventureWorks database, there is a Vendor Master table with 104 vendors, and a PurchaseOrderHeader table with POs for vendors.

Suppose we want a result set - one row for all 104 vendors, with the sum of order dollars in 2008 for each vendor. Some vendors did not have orders in 2008, but we still want the vendor name in the result set (with NULL or zero for the $ amount)

Not being aware of the issue I'm about to talk about, someone might possibly write the following query, using an OUTER JOIN between the Vendor table and the PO Header table to get all 104 vendors.
  select Vend.Name, SUM(TotalDue) as VendorTotal
      from  Purchasing.Vendor   as Vend
         left outer  join  Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS POH  
               on Vend.BusinessEntityID = POH.VendorID
                    where OrderDate BETWEEN '1-1-2008' AND '12-31-2008'     -- want just order dollars for 2008
         group by Vend.Name   
         order by VendorTotal desc
The results only show 86 vendors (just the vendors who had orders in 2008). The numbers are correct for those 86 vendors, but we don't see the 18 vendors who didn't have orders.

But why??? We did a LEFT OUTER JOIN between the Vendor table and the PO Header table, so that should have given us all 104 vendors.

Here's the reason - the WHERE clause on the child table (POHeader) to filter the orders for 2008 is essentially negating the effect of the OUTER JOIN - giving us just the vendors who had orders in 2008.

So what can we do? Well, there are several answers. One might be to check the Order Date column being null, like so...
...where OrderDate BETWEEN '1-1-2008' AND '12-31-2008'  OR OrderDate IS NULL   
That will certainly work - however if there's an index on OrderDate, SQL Server won't be able to do an index seek - it will do an index scan, far less optimal.

An arguably better approach is to use some kind of subquery or common table expression to retrieve the orders for 2008 - and then do an OUTER JOIN from the Vendor Master to the results of the subquery/CTE...
   ;WITH POTemp as
      ( SELECT VendorID, SUM(TotalDue) as VendorTotal 
                FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader
                WHERE	 where OrderDate BETWEEN '1-1-2008' AND '12-31-2008'  
                  GROUP BY VendorID) 
  select Vend.Name,  VendorTotal
    from  Purchasing.Vendor   as Vend
      left outer   join POTemp
               on Vend.BusinessEntityID = POTemp.VendorID
      order by VendorTotal desc
So remember the pattern - when using an OUTER JOIN between a master table and a child table, and then using a WHERE clause on the child table, you negate the effect of the OUTER JOIN ( for all intents and purposes, you turn it into an INNER JOIN)

So for all the "souls" who ever encounter this, I hope it rescues you from the fiery pits of slamming your fist on the desk, and lifts you into more heavenly pursuits (like kicking back with a good beer after the satisfaction of writing a successful query) :)


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