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Put your hand in the hand (of the man from Galilee)
04/03/2014 08:41:39
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>>Matthew 28:19-20 - KJV - "19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
>>name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all
>>things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end
>>of the world. Amen."

>>The use of the word "baptizing" them there is not the literal under-water dunk, but is this
>>2a definition:
>>2 a : to purify or cleanse spiritually especially by a purging experience or ordeal
>>... meaning that the person's thinking is cleansed by the washing of the word of God, as
>>recorded in the Bible.
>Out of curiosity: What makes you believe that baptizing in this definition does not refer to a water
>baptism? The verb used here is the same as used for John's baptism, and he did in fact baptize
>those in the river Jordan.

Mark 1:7-8 - NIV - "7 And this was his message: 'After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

Water baptism is a baptism of repentance, and is the first act a Christian will go through. It is the recognition that one has sinned, and is in need of forgiveness. Jesus' first miracle was also turning water into wine, a related act of taking the one in repentance through the transformation, whereby the entire nature of who they are is changed, as per the rebirth, and the Holy Spirit coming to dwell within them.

To baptize someone changes them. In this life, most people saved are not like the thief on the cross who came to believe hours before his death. Most of us have much to go through after we are saved (often many years of life).

God's Holy Spirit comes to baptize the new believer, and a fiery trial ensues. The enemy's anti-Christ spirit also comes and snatches many "new believers" away ("Some [seed] fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture," a metaphor for what believers go through when they have no solid support structure, and fall back into the ways of the world after hearing and accepting the gospel message).

We (believers) must take those who are born again, and in the same way newborn babies are handled very carefully and gently by mother, father, immediate family, and so on, we must handle new believers similarly. It is why we are commanded to not only teach, but to make disciples, an ongoing process beyond a first witness, and one which is a process of continual instruction founded upon Jesus Christ's teachings..

There is and will be much thinking, existing behaviors, seemingly "natural beliefs" that are long ingrained (since childhood even) in new believers that is completely contrary to what is taught by Jesus. It was taught by our society, our family, our friends, even within our own minds and thoughts, seemingly original ideas we've come up with, but in fact they were whispered thoughts by the evil anti-Christ spirit, designed to entice men to sin. It is this evil spirit influence of the anti-Christ spirit of Satan that is the remaining powerful thing in a new believer's life, for all such thinking is harmful, and entices sinful man to pursue wrong things one after the other.

The baptism that takes place is of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and is that teaching which undoes the existing thinking over time. This comes from the "make disciples" aspect, and is an ongoing form of teaching (wherever two or three are gathered together, there He is in the midst).

In short: It comes from reading and studying the Bible, recognizing the enemy, and recognizing through my own growth, and many failures, what the Lord has been teaching me all along. Often times I heard His guidance, but ignored it, only to learn later what He meant. It also comes from realizing that nearly all of what we are taught in churches today is false, because the enemy is there, in the church, trying to steal, kill, destroy the gospel message, to weaken its power, to render it harmless, unable to save.

True faith comes from within, and requires an individual in pursuit of the truth truly, and God moving them in their life in that way, so that they might be saved, and able to become true disciples upon this Earth. It requires a true discerning heart, one focused on listening to God to know what His guidance is, and then having the strength to stand and speak it, no matter what the naysayers might say, or do.

Very few people are being saved. Very few.

In a sentence: It is the spirit of God re-purposing sinful man to repent, turn, and to become a true servant of God (not just church-goers, or silent/safe "believers" who do not teach or reach others, but rather are those living-their-life-for-Christ, taking-up-their-cross-daily, willing to suffer loss for His Holy name ... ie, true servants of God).

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