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(Continuation) Re: VFP has a new companion on the scrap
15/03/2014 10:39:03
Walter Meester
15/03/2014 08:46:21
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>>>>I believe it is a myth that they want us to believe that one is born homosexual. It is an acquired
>>>>taste, and a choice, the same as pedophile and fetish and all other strange and unnatural and
>>>>unhealthy desires. Even if a minor percentage indeed would be born that way, it is used as an
>>>>excuse for the rest of the 99 %.
>>I cannot, I repeat cannot accept, any viewpoint that homosexuality is a choice.
>>You are born with it or not.

The utmost sin is to live by the rules of religion (made up by zealots) rather than fact and reason.

I'm happy to guide you out of the sect your are living in Rick. Open your mind for science and accept the fact that we live a huge amount of unknowns. Rather than to seek an explanation through an made up 'GOD, find conformt in the fact that you do not know. Accept 'chance' and deal with it.

If you accept the truth from science, then you can get rid of the true evil of religion and save you and your family from the suppression from your self and others in the name of 'GOD' and make the whole world a better place to live where EVERYONE regardless of religion, race and sexual orientation are regarded equal.

>I realize this message was for Christian, but I also desire to teach.
>I'm explaining to you the nature of the effect of sin on people. Sin resulted from a choice. God told man what to do and not do, and man violated God. As a result of that choice, the thing God warned about happening is here.
>Because of sin we are lacking in an area Adam and Eve had before they sinned: the spirit. I'll try to explain this to you using an example we could relate to.
>Suppose there is a blind man and you are trying to explain what it's like to see to that man. He has no ability to see, so your frames of reference are not the same. You try to explain to him that it is an aspect of sight that you can see everything in your path across the room, whereas he knows for a fact that you cannot do such a thing, but must feel your way across because people move things, and something could be there today that wasn't there yesterday.
>Even if he gets past the realization, as by many witnesses explaining sight to him, that there is this other thing that he lacks, and even if he can envision in his mind what it must be like, that vision is only coming from his existing senses applied in a new way. For example, we see the colors red, green, and blue, and varying intensities of light as black and white. What would it be like to see a new color? We can't imagine it because we've never seen it. But if the ability was given us to see a new color, then we would know immediately.
>With sin, man lost a component of his being. He was died spiritually when he disobeyed God. As a result, we have these natural flesh-based senses only, and we are not alive eternally. We are now as highly reasoning brute beasts which walk the Earth, having been stripped of a part of our lives that, because it is all we've ever known, we do not know we are missing. But I testify, and others testify, that there is more, and that Jesus restores this missing part to you when you seek Him and are born again.
>People believe they are a particular way because there are evil spirits which are present in the world. Fallen angels, held in chains, reserved for judgment on the last day, their bodies are locked away, but their spirits are able to leave their bodies and seek out influence via new hosts. Jesus describes their existence as being dry, arid, undesirable when they are outside of a body, so they to out to all men over the Earth and seek to find a new home. They entice people to sin and enter the person in that way. Once inside, they begin altering the behavior, thoughts, feelings, emotions of a person. And they can do this before they are inside by being in close proximity.
>People who believe they are homosexual are having induced feelings toward falseness put onto their being from these demons which are all around us in this world. The way out is to forgo such pursuits, and actively, and purposefully, turn toward God and His Holy Spirit, and to ask God to remove the damage done by Satan and his demons, and to invite the Holy Spirit into your life to undo the wreckage, and set your life back on the course it should be. God will do this, and it is the famous story of the Prodigal Son the extent to which God will do this (we make the smallest sincere effort toward God, and He rushes out to meet us while we're still a far off).
>Evil spirits induce people to sin, and homosexuality is just one flavor. Some people believe they are sex addicts, or alcoholics, or workaholics or any other manner of thing which they say is just an inner drive, some force from within that they cannot fight no matter how hard they try. Well, they're right. They cannot fight it because it is a spiritual battle, the one they cannot see due to sin, and the only way out is to ask God for help because He is Spirit, and He can fight the battles we can't.
>I tell you this through personal witness, that I have gone through such trials in my life. I have experienced various types of spiritual attacks. They induce in me feelings which are not my own and, with literal on-my-knees prayer, and asking God's Holy Spirit to come and cast out the evil influence of these feelings, they have left me and I have been restored in a manner of seconds. And it has happened to me like this hundreds of times.
>The way out of the entanglements of this world is through Jesus Christ. We are under an attack we cannot know, because it is a spiritual attack. And we are facing battles we cannot win, because those spirits have abilities we do not, and they are eternal, and they have been watching us our whole lives and they know what OUR personal weaknesses are, and they exploit them to gain entry because of their fate in chains. And this battle is the source of all the angst, all the hate, all the negativity in the world, in that men do not desire the truth, but go for whatever they feel to do. But for those seeking the Truth, they find it, and the Truth sets them free.
>Jesus is that Truth. And for all those willing to hear it, they too will be made free. Jesus will replace the evil spirits with His Holy Spirit, and lead men toward the goals He has for those who have an ear to hear. He will place within them fountains of living water which well up and flow out to all of those around them in their lives, and those who have an ear to hear will hear His words from their mouths, come out, and be saved. The rest will perish in their sin.
>I pray that you will listen to this, Walter. You'll note that I do not argue with you, but I am trying to teach you the truth. If you would like to read what I have written and ask me specific questions I will give you references, or explanations which address your questions.
>Thank you, and take care, Walter. I love you, but not as much as Jesus loves you.

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