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DDOS attack on Obamacare site
16/04/2014 08:52:13
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>>>Thomas-you have to understand that the goal of the people writing and passing these laws is to eliminate abortion. They can't pass laws to prohibit it, so they're doing everything they can to make it as hard as possible to get one. Sadly, the courts seem to be allowing this crap to stand.
>>Glad to hear you understand it. I assume you also find it "crap" when the same techniques are applied to smoking, guns, soda and all other legal and Constitutionally protected activities.
>First, I don't think smoking fits into the same bin as the other stuff here. If cigarettes were invented today, there is no way they'd be legal. Given the risks they present not only to those who use them, but to the people around them, the FDA would clearly ban them. That they're legal is just a historical accident.

Kevin has provided an excellent modern analogy.

I would like to address this : Given the risks they present not only to those who use them, but to the people around them

This is the end all be all argument for behavior control and can and has been applied to all of my examples and nearly every other attempt at said control. Substitute "the children" for "people" in your statement and you have the modern justification for anti-bullying, no-tolerance school policies, helmet requirements, youth driving restrictions, etc.

I'm sure I've posted this before : Behavior control 101
1. Demonize the Behavior
2. Demonize the thing
3. Demonize the person
4. Tax and/or limit access to the behavior and/or thing
5. Ban the behavior and/or thing

>As for soda, like all other foods (and I use the word lightly here <g>), it is subject to government regulation for safety. I think Bloomberg overreached, but I think it would be very reasonable to require visible labeling on soda and other sugary drinks that makes is clear that it's hundreds or thousands of empty calories. (That is, the cups you get in 7-11 or a fast-food joint should have a big visible label. So should the dispensers in the self-serve places.) When the smallest size you can buy in most places is a day's worth of calories for the average person, we are talking about a serious public health issue. (I'm old enough to remember when the soda sizes available were typically 8, 12 and 16 ozs. Today, a lot of places start at 20 oz., which, IIRC, is 2000 calories.) Education is power (which, btw, applies to cigarettes, too; there's an inverse correlation between education and cigarette use).

Bloomberg is only the latest and jumped to step 5 a bit early but the other steps of the path have already been walked.

Update : One other thing I'd like to add is that this type of control over "bad" food based upon the "latest" science can be dead wrong as well. Salt & Omega 3s in the news :

>Guns, as you know, are a very different issue because they are constitutionally protected. However, SCOTUS said long ago that reasonable regulation is permitted; that's why most people can't have a machine gun. The question that we're arguing over (and by "we," I mean society, not you and I particularly) is what constitutes reasonable regulation.

The courts also have ruled that reasonable regulation on abortion is permitted. Which brings us back to the initial statement I commented on : Sadly, the courts seem to be allowing this crap to stand.

I prefer consistency, all these restrictions on behavior are crap specifically designed to hinder the individual's access to perfectly legal activities.
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Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
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