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20/05/2014 08:32:55
20/05/2014 08:21:42
Lutz Scheffler
Lutz Scheffler Software Ingenieurbüro
Dresden, Germany
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>I just love it when reporters don't trust the strength of their words, and lay extra ones to augment their sentence, creating utter nonsense: "gone so far as to counterfeit fake government seals". Why would anyone counterfeit a fake? A fake is worthless. If you're adept at forgery, then counterfeit the genuine article.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Oh well... if you can have infomercials on TV where folks are trying to sell you genuine faux pearls, why not counterfeit fakes?
>>>>>>>>>>>You know what's hard to find these days? Real fake fireplaces. You can find fake fake fireplaces but not real fake fireplaces. Standards are falling left and right.
>>>>>>>>>>Do they still sell those fireplace burning video tapes ? Maybe they should record and sell video of fake fake fireplace burning... {g}
>>>>>>>>>>Is that triple fake or real deal ? (Hence Go Green / Save the Planet... ;-) )
>>>>>>>>>I'm sure I remember seeing a report of a California family who had their air con full blast in the summer so they could have a real fire going without getting to hot. That must count as a fake fire
>>>>>>>>Cool idea. {g} Will apply it this august in Cyprus :))
>>>>>>>>Since I do not have real fireplace, video tape of fake fake fireplace will have to do the trick.
>>>>>>>>Hope my aircon does not go on (real) fire under intense pressure ;-)
>>>>>>>I'm a wimp about heat. We reached the mid 20's this weekend and I was too hot.
>>>>>>Driving bicycle up the hill ? Jeez man; You gotta shape up! {g}
>>>>>>Unless you wanna do it hard man's way;
>>>>>>Using ice-cold beers in a deep deep shade as soon temp goes above 24c ... :-
>>>>>Where I live at the moment there are a lot of Greeks.
>>>>>So the minute the weather gets a bit hot they all get their barbecues out and the air is full of lamb fat smoke.Barbies in urban areas should definitely come with some sort of flue arrangement. :-) preferably about 50 feet tall .
>>>>You snotty Brit!
>>>>That smoke and smell of lamb on a BBQ skewers along the glass of ouzo is what is it all about! (uhm... to those Greeks I mean{g} )
>>>>It is like food foreplay before real thing (to those Greeks I mean {g} ). It is almost as important as it is British pudding or some artichoke appetizer are to You Brits :-))
>>>>And you want to impose 200 meter chimney ??
>>>Shure you got it right? 50ft are around 16m (15.24).
>>Sure I did. I was just kidding. ;-)
>>Just like with 'Snotty Brit'. Hope you did not get it wrong.
>>Cheers :)
>Meeee? Getting somthing wrong? I saw you both kidding ... :)
>Anyway he should join the party and sponge the greeks until they give up. If he fail on this, it will be a nice afternoon at least. :)

I thought message was from Nick...

Anyway. I saw exactly what he means last year in Dusseldorf.
Whole Souvla BBQ right in front of the small Greek shop. almost in the middle of the city! Some habits really die hard.
(Nostalgia maybe?)
It can be viewed two ways; You either go along with it and enjoy the site (celebrate diversity! {g})
or you can consider it inappropriate (which it is). It depend on personal attitude/likings towards these kind of things.
Personally I do not mind. Unless it is under my window.

Cheers :)
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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