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Resizing image does not give same file size
23/01/2015 03:32:44
23/01/2015 00:50:33
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VB 9.0
Windows 8.1
Windows 2008 Server
MS SQL Server
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If, in each environment, you simply load and save the image without any resizing do you get identical results ?

>After hours of verification, there is in fact something wrong based on the environment.
>This is on a Windows Server 2008.
>I execute the resizing from a desktop application, the file is resized ok.
>I execute the resizing from a Web Service application, the file is resized ok.
>I execute the resizing from a Windows Service application, the file is not resized ok.
>See the attached image. The file size on disk is always the same. I have done over 40 tests tonight by changing options in the Image class for the resizing and it always work, the file size on disk is always the same. However, the real file size determined by Windows is always a few bytes offset from the other. The offset varies based on the option of resizing quality, size, etc. But, never have I been able to obtain the same real file size.
>This is why my CRC32 does not work as we receive files from the Windows Service application which gives a certain number of bytes. And, we receive files from the Web Service application resulting in a different file size.
>The code I am using has been used for years. I never had to go in there. I also checked from various sites tonight with various samples and all this is ok. However, I never had to do a resizing from a Windows Service before. This is also the first time I have to do it on a Windows Server 2008.
>I know that from Windows 8.1, it does not give the same file size. But, from the same server??? The only different I could see if the .NET project type which might have an effect on the .NET Image object for the resizing that it would not work quite ok on a Windows Service.
>I provide here the full class for the Image class. If someone wants to give it a shot to try to adjust it a little bit to fit your own needs, and then run it on a Web Service as well as on a Windows Service, feel free. I really do not know what to try but to give away that class in favor of a commercial utility. All the samples I have seen on the net works. Mine also works. The problem is that I found out this is not working well under a Windows Service. I never found a sample on the net where someone mention a comparism between the final resized file when doing the same process from a Windows Service and a Web Service.
>I also have not found any mention that the file resize would be different from Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2008.
>So far, I never found that because we never used or had to verify a CRC32 between various environments. So, the main goal was always to resize a file and it was working. The file image is good. The resize is good. But, when looking deeper into it, only today I found that the file size differs from one environment to another.
>Maybe there is a logic for all this and only a commercial utility would be safer to use.
>Public Class Image
>    Public nCropHeight As Integer = 0
>    Public nCropWidth As Integer = 0
>    Public cDirectory As String = ""
>    Public cFile As String = ""
>    Public cFileDestination As String = ""
>    Public cMessage As String = ""
>    Public lImageHasBeenPreserved As Boolean = False
>    Public lResizeButNoCrop As Boolean = False
>    Public lVerifyForWidthAndHeight As Boolean = False
>    Public nHeight As Integer = 0
>    Public nStartXPoint As Integer = 0
>    Public nStartYPoint As Integer = 0
>    Public nWidth As Integer = 0
>    Public oPoint As System.Drawing.Point = New System.Drawing.Point
>    Private cCannotSaveHightQuality As String = ""
>    Private cDirectoryDoesNotExist As String = ""
>    Private cFileDoesNotExist As String = ""
>    Private cPixelFormatNotSupported As String = ""
>    Private cThisFileIsNotSupported As String = ""
>    Private nLanguage As Integer = 0
>    Private oApp As App = Nothing
>    Private oImage As System.Drawing.Bitmap = Nothing
>    Private oProcess As LXProcess = Nothing
>    ' This is when we access the class in a desktop mode
>    Public Sub New(ByVal toApplication As App)
>        oApp = toApplication
>        nLanguage = oApp.nLanguage
>        Init()
>    End Sub
>    ' This is when we access the class in a Web or Web Service mode
>    Public Sub New(ByVal toProcess As LXProcess)
>        oProcess = toProcess
>        oApp = oProcess.oApp
>        nLanguage = oProcess.nLanguage
>        Init()
>    End Sub
>    Private Function Init() As Boolean
>        ' Based on the language
>        Select Case nLanguage
>            ' English
>            Case 1
>                cCannotSaveHightQuality = "Cannot save in high quality."
>                cDirectoryDoesNotExist = "The directory does not exist."
>                cFileDoesNotExist = "The file does not exist."
>                cPixelFormatNotSupported = "Pixel format of the image is not supported."
>                cThisFileIsNotSupported = "The file ""##File##"" is not supported to be used in this application. It might be corrupted. You " + _
>                 "may send this file to support if you think it is valid."
>                ' French
>            Case 2
>                cCannotSaveHightQuality = "Ne peut faire sauver en haute résolution."
>                cDirectoryDoesNotExist = "Le répertoire n'existe pas."
>                cFileDoesNotExist = "Le fichier n'existe pas."
>                cPixelFormatNotSupported = "Le format pixel de cette image n'est pas supporté."
>                cThisFileIsNotSupported = "Le fichier ""##File##"" n'est pas supporté pour être utilisé dans cette application. " + _
>                 "Il se peut qu'il soit corrompu. Vous pouvez l'envoyer au support si vous pensez qu'il est valide."
>                ' Spanish
>            Case 3
>                cCannotSaveHightQuality = "Cannot save in high quality."
>                cDirectoryDoesNotExist = "The directory does not exist."
>                cFileDoesNotExist = "The file does not exist"
>                cPixelFormatNotSupported = "Pixel format of the image is not supported."
>                cThisFileIsNotSupported = "The file ""##File##"" is not supported to be used in this application. It might be corrupted. You " + _
>                 "may send this file to support if you think it is valid."
>                ' Portuguese
>            Case 4
>                cCannotSaveHightQuality = "Cannot save in high quality."
>                cDirectoryDoesNotExist = "The directory does not exist."
>                cFileDoesNotExist = "The file does not exist"
>                cPixelFormatNotSupported = "Pixel format of the image is not supported."
>                cThisFileIsNotSupported = "The file ""##File##"" is not supported to be used in this application. It might be corrupted. You " + _
>                 "may send this file to support if you think it is valid."
>        End Select
>        Return True
>    End Function
>    ' Resize an image
>    Public Function ImageResize() As Boolean
>        Dim lcFile As String = ""
>        Dim lnHeightRatio As Integer = 0
>        Dim lnRatio As Double = 0
>        Dim lnRatioImage As Double = 0
>        Dim lnWidthRatio As Integer = 0
>        Dim loFinalImage As System.Drawing.Bitmap = Nothing
>        Dim loGraphics As System.Drawing.Graphics = Nothing
>        Dim loImage As System.Drawing.Bitmap = Nothing
>        Dim loImage2 As System.Drawing.Bitmap = Nothing
>        ' Reset the values
>        lImageHasBeenPreserved = False
>        oImage = Nothing
>        ' Initialization
>        lcFile = Trim(cFile)
>        lVerifyForWidthAndHeight = True
>        ' Get the proper definition as per the current scope
>        If oProcess Is Nothing Then
>            ' If the file does not exist
>            If Not oApp.FileExist(lcFile) Then
>                cMessage = cFileDoesNotExist
>                Return False
>            End If
>        Else
>            ' If the file does not exist
>            If Not oProcess.FileExist(lcFile) Then
>                cMessage = cFileDoesNotExist
>                Return False
>            End If
>        End If
>        ' Try to negotiate with the image
>        Try
>            loImage = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(lcFile)
>        Catch loError As Exception
>            cMessage = oApp.StrTran(cThisFileIsNotSupported, "##File##", lcFile)
>            Return False
>        End Try
>        ' If we can resize with no crop
>        If lResizeButNoCrop Then
>            ' Calculate the proper ratio as per the width
>            lnHeightRatio = nWidth * loImage.Height / loImage.Width
>            ' If the height is greater than the targeted resize height
>            If lnHeightRatio > nHeight Then
>                ' Adjust the width in regards to that
>                nWidth = nHeight * loImage.Width / loImage.Height
>                ' Use this flag to bypass the validation when the width and height is defined
>                lVerifyForWidthAndHeight = False
>            Else
>                ' Calculate the proper ratio as per the height
>                lnWidthRatio = nHeight * loImage.Width / loImage.Height
>                ' If the height is greater than the targeted resize height
>                If lnWidthRatio > nWidth Then
>                    ' Adjust the height in regards to that
>                    nHeight = nWidth * loImage.Height / loImage.Width
>                    ' Use this flag to bypass the validation when the width and height is defined
>                    lVerifyForWidthAndHeight = False
>                End If
>            End If
>        End If
>        ' If the image is already with the proper dimensions
>        If nWidth = loImage.Width And nHeight = loImage.Height Then
>            lImageHasBeenPreserved = True
>            ' This is necessary as the image would remain locked
>            loImage.Dispose()
>            Return True
>        End If
>        ' If the width calculated is bigger than the original width or if the height calculated if bigger than the original width
>        ' This is in the case the original image is 250x250 and that we would want to resize it to 600x900
>        ' In such situation, we preserve the original image otherwise it would be deformed
>        If nWidth > loImage.Width Or nHeight > loImage.Height Then
>            nWidth = loImage.Width
>            nHeight = loImage.Height
>        End If
>        ' Initialize a new image object on the required dimensions
>        loImage2 = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(nWidth, nHeight, loImage.PixelFormat)
>        ' If we cannot resize
>        If loImage2.PixelFormat = Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed Or _
>            loImage2.PixelFormat = Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed Or _
>            loImage2.PixelFormat = Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed Or _
>            loImage2.PixelFormat = Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Undefined Or _
>            loImage2.PixelFormat = Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare Or _
>            loImage2.PixelFormat = Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppArgb1555 Or _
>            loImage2.PixelFormat = Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale Then
>            cMessage = cPixelFormatNotSupported
>            ' This is necessary as the image would remain locked
>            loImage.Dispose()
>            Return False
>        End If
>        ' Initialization
>        lnRatio = nWidth / nHeight
>        lnRatioImage = loImage.Width / loImage.Height
>        ' If the ratio of the image is smaller than the calculcated ratio
>        If lnRatioImage < lnRatio Then
>            nCropWidth = loImage.Width
>            nCropHeight = loImage.Width / lnRatio
>        Else
>            nCropWidth = loImage.Height * lnRatio
>            nCropHeight = loImage.Height
>        End If
>        ' Crop needs it
>        oImage = loImage
>        ' If we cannot crop
>        If Not Crop() Then
>            ' This is necessary as the image would remain locked
>            loImage.Dispose()
>            Return False
>        End If
>        ' Create the placeholder
>        loFinalImage = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(nWidth, nHeight)
>        ' Assign the placeholder into the graphic converter
>        loGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(loFinalImage)
>        ' Set the parameters
>        loGraphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
>        loGraphics.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
>        loGraphics.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
>        loGraphics.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality
>        ' Resize the image
>        loGraphics.DrawImage(loImage, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight)
>        ' Release the image
>        loGraphics.Dispose()
>        ' The oImage property can now be assigned to the resized version
>        oImage = loFinalImage
>        ' If the image has not been altered by the Image class
>        If lImageHasBeenPreserved Then
>        Else
>            ' If we cannot save the image
>            If Not SaveAsHighQualityJpegFile() Then
>            End If
>        End If
>        ' Remove this object from memory
>        loImage.Dispose()
>        ' Reset the values
>        cFile = ""
>        cFileDestination = ""
>        lResizeButNoCrop = False
>        Return True
>    End Function
>    ' Crop an image
>    Public Function Crop() As Boolean
>        Dim loGraphics As System.Drawing.Graphics = Nothing
>        Dim loImage As System.Drawing.Bitmap = Nothing
>        ' This is a placeholder
>        loImage = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(nCropWidth, nCropHeight)
>        loGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(loImage)
>        ' This will use oImage and obtain the new result into loImage
>        loGraphics.DrawImage(oImage, New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, nCropWidth, nCropHeight), _
>         nStartXPoint, nStartYPoint, nCropWidth, nCropHeight, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
>        ' Release this object
>        loGraphics.Dispose()
>        ' Take the new result and dump it back to oImage
>        oImage = loImage
>        Return True
>    End Function
>    ' Save an image into a JPG format
>    Public Function SaveAsHighQualityJpegFile() As Boolean
>        Dim loEncoderParameters As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters = Nothing
>        Dim loImageCodecInfo As System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo = Nothing
>        ' Set Image codec of JPEG type, the index of JPEG codec is "1"       
>        loImageCodecInfo = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()(1)
>        ' Set the parameters for defining the quality of the thumbnail... here it is set to 100%
>        loEncoderParameters = New System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters(1)
>        loEncoderParameters.Param(0) = New System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 95)
>        oImage.Save(cFileDestination, loImageCodecInfo, loEncoderParameters)
>        Return True
>    End Function
>    Public Function GetTopLeftStartCropPointForKeepCenter() As Boolean
>        oPoint.X = CInt((nWidth - nCropWidth) / 2)
>        If nCropWidth + (oPoint.X * 2) < nWidth Then
>            oPoint.X -= 1
>        End If
>        oPoint.Y = CInt((nHeight - nCropHeight) / 2)
>        If nCropHeight + (oPoint.Y * 2) < nHeight Then
>            oPoint.Y -= 1
>        End If
>        Return True
>    End Function
>    ' Remove a border
>    Public Function RemoveBorder() As Boolean
>        Dim loImage As System.Drawing.Bitmap = Nothing
>        ' Get the proper definition as per the current scope
>        If oProcess Is Nothing Then
>            ' If the file does not exist
>            If Not oApp.FileExist(cFile) Then
>                cMessage = cFileDoesNotExist
>                Return False
>            End If
>        Else
>            ' If the file does not exist
>            If Not oProcess.FileExist(cFile) Then
>                cMessage = cFileDoesNotExist
>                Return False
>            End If
>        End If
>        loImage = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(cFile)
>        oImage = loImage
>        nStartXPoint = 1
>        nStartYPoint = 1
>        nWidth = loImage.Width - 2
>        nHeight = loImage.Height - 2
>        nCropWidth = nWidth
>        nCropHeight = nHeight
>        ' If we cannot crop the image
>        If Not Crop() Then
>            cMessage = "Impossible to remove the border"
>            ' This is necessary as the image would remain locked
>            loImage.Dispose()
>            Return False
>        End If
>        ' This is necessary as the image would remain locked
>        loImage.Dispose()
>        If Not SaveAsHighQualityJpegFile() Then
>            cMessage = cCannotSaveHightQuality
>            Return False
>        End If
>        Return True
>    End Function
>    ' Remove a border for an entire directory
>    Public Function RemoveBorderDirectory() As Boolean
>        Dim lnCounter As Integer = 0
>        Dim loFileDirectory As FileDirectory = Nothing
>        Dim loImage As System.Drawing.Bitmap = Nothing
>        Dim loRow As DataRow = Nothing
>        ' Get the proper definition as per the current scope
>        If oProcess Is Nothing Then
>            loFileDirectory = New FileDirectory(oApp)
>        Else
>            loFileDirectory = New FileDirectory(oProcess)
>        End If
>        ' If the directory does not exist
>        If Not oApp.DirectoryExist(cDirectory) Then
>            cMessage = cDirectoryDoesNotExist
>            Return False
>        End If
>        loFileDirectory.cDirectory = cDirectory
>        loFileDirectory.AddFilter("*.jpg")
>        ' If we cannot get the file
>        If Not loFileDirectory.GetFile() Then
>            cMessage = loFileDirectory.cMessage
>            Return False
>        End If
>        ' If there is no file
>        If loFileDirectory.nCount = 0 Then
>            Return True
>        End If
>        loFileDirectory.Sort("Name")
>        ' For each record
>        For lnCounter = 0 To loFileDirectory.nCount - 1
>            loRow = loFileDirectory.oRows(lnCounter)
>            loImage = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(cDirectory + "\" + Trim(loRow("Name")))
>            oImage = loImage
>            nStartXPoint = 1
>            nStartYPoint = 1
>            nWidth = loImage.Width - 2
>            nHeight = loImage.Height - 2
>            nCropWidth = nWidth
>            nCropHeight = nHeight
>            ' Crop first
>            If Not Crop() Then
>                cMessage = "Impossible to remove the border"
>                ' This is necessary as the image would remain locked
>                loImage.Dispose()
>                Return False
>            End If
>            ' This is necessary as the image would remain locked
>            loImage.Dispose()
>            cFileDestination = cDirectory + "\" + Trim(loRow("Name"))
>            If Not SaveAsHighQualityJpegFile() Then
>                cMessage = cCannotSaveHightQuality
>                Return False
>            End If
>        Next
>        Return True
>    End Function
>    ' Load an image
>    Public Function Load() As Boolean
>        Dim lcFile As String = ""
>        Dim llSuccess As Boolean = False
>        ' Reset the values
>        cMessage = ""
>        nHeight = 0
>        nWidth = 0
>        ' Initialization
>        lcFile = Trim(cFile)
>        ' Get the proper definition as per the current scope
>        If oProcess Is Nothing Then
>            ' If the file does not exist
>            If Not oApp.FileExist(lcFile) Then
>                cMessage = cFileDoesNotExist
>                Return False
>            End If
>        Else
>            ' If the file does not exist
>            If Not oProcess.FileExist(lcFile) Then
>                cMessage = cFileDoesNotExist
>                Return False
>            End If
>        End If
>        ' Try to load the image
>        Try
>            ' Load the image
>            Using loImage As System.Drawing.Bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(lcFile)
>                ' Initialization
>                nWidth = loImage.Width
>                nHeight = loImage.Height
>            End Using
>            llSuccess = True
>        Catch loException As Exception
>            cMessage = oApp.StrTran(cThisFileIsNotSupported, "##File##", lcFile)
>        End Try
>        ' Reset the values
>        cFile = ""
>        Return llSuccess
>    End Function
>End Class

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