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>>Some reporters starting asking some of the republican's running for president - if they had a family member that was having a gay wedding, would they go to it? The answers these guys provided (although I know at least one simply didn't answer the question) was some of the most ridiculous things you could imagine.
>Victor, it's really not relevant if someone would attend one. The only relevant point is whether a politician believes that gay people who want to get married should be able to receive the same benefits (over a thousand different legal and economic benefits) that hetero married couples receive.
>This is why I have such a low opinion of the mainstream media. They can't even ask a good question correctly.

.yeah and how bias these news agencies are is nuts. Fox on one end and MSNBC on the other. I guess if you run 24/7 news, eventually you run out of crap to talk about - which is why we end up with "news" that seems more like an editorial opinion piece than someone actually reporting the facts. I've got to the point where I pretty much can't watch it anymore.

>But the question, "would you attend one" doesn't accomplish anything. Remember that in the 2012 debates, Joe Biden said that he personally did not agree with abortions. If you follow the logic on the "would you attend a gay wedding" question, then that would make Joe Biden anti-Roe vs Wade. See what I'm getting at? :)

I kinda see what you're getting at - but people don't attend abortions like they do a wedding, and after a wedding both people are still around too. But yeah I think I'm going to have to re-think the validity of the question. In a way it seems almost like a trap right? Would you attend a gay wedding is not the same thing as Should gay weddings be allowed. But - if a guy won't go to his own family member's gay wedding, I find it rather hard to believe that this person would do a damn thing to make sure such things were legal. Of course in the meantime, here I am talking about this instead of all the other issues.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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