Level Extreme platform
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Products & Services
Pulling out event viewer logs
05/05/2015 15:08:27
29/04/2015 18:19:51
General information
Environment versions
VB 9.0
Windows 8.1
Windows 2008 Server
MS SQL Server
Thread ID:
Message ID:
Here is an updated version:
Imports System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader
Imports System.Text

Public Enum LogAttribute
    Application = 1
    System = 2
    Setup = 3
    Security = 4
End Enum

Public Class EventViewer

    Public cDomain As String = ""
    Public cMessage As String = ""
    Public cPassword As String = ""
    Public cQuerystring As String = ""
    Public cResult As String = ""
    Public cServer As String = ""
    Public cSource As String = ""
    Public cUsername As String = ""
    Public lBookmark As Boolean = True
    Public lActivityID As Boolean = True
    Public lAscending As Boolean = True
    Public lComputer As Boolean = True
    Public lKeyword As Boolean = True
    Public lKeywordDisplayName As Boolean = True
    Public lLevel As Boolean = True
    Public lLevelCritical As Boolean = True
    Public lLevelDisplayName As Boolean = True
    Public lLevelError As Boolean = True
    Public lLevelInformation As Boolean = False
    Public lLevelWarning As Boolean = True
    Public lLogError As Boolean = True
    Public lOpCode As Boolean = True
    Public lOpCodeDisplayName As Boolean = True
    Public lProcessID As Boolean = True
    Public lProperty As Boolean = True
    Public lProviderID As Boolean = True
    Public lQualifier As Boolean = True
    Public lRecordID As Boolean = True
    Public lRelatedActivityID As Boolean = True
    Public lSource As Boolean = True
    Public lTransferToTable As Boolean = False
    Public lTask As Boolean = True
    Public lTaskDisplayName As Boolean = False
    Public lThreadID As Boolean = True
    Public lTimeCreated As Boolean = True
    Public lUser As Boolean = False
    Public lVersion As Boolean = True
    Public nDelay As Integer = 250
    Public nRetry As Integer = 8
    Public nEventID As Integer = 0
    Public nHour As Integer = 24
    Public nLog As LogAttribute
    Public nNoServer As Integer = 0
    Public nRecordID As Integer = 0
    Public nType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Information
    Private cUnableToConnectToServer As String = ""
    Private cYouNeedToDefineTheCLogProperty As String = ""
    Private cYouNeedToDefineTheNHourProperty As String = ""
    Private cYouNeedToDefineTheNNoServerProperty As String = ""
    Private nLanguage As Integer = 1
    Private oApp As App = Nothing
    Private oLogData As LogData = Nothing
    Private oProcess As LXProcess = Nothing

    ' This is when we access the class in a desktop mode
    Sub New(ByVal toApplication As App)
        oApp = toApplication
        nLanguage = oApp.nLanguage
    End Sub

    ' This is when we access the class in a Web or Web Service mode
    Sub New(ByVal toProcess As LXProcess)
        oProcess = toProcess
        oApp = oProcess.oApp
        nLanguage = oProcess.nLanguage
    End Sub

    ' Save the log attribute being used
    Friend Sub New(ByVal tnLog As LogAttribute)
        nLog = tnLog
    End Sub

    ' Initialization
    Private Function Init() As Boolean

        ' Based on the language
        Select Case nLanguage

            ' English
            Case 1
                cUnableToConnectToServer = "Unable to connect to server ##Server##."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheCLogProperty = "You need to define the cLog property."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNHourProperty = "You need to define the nHour or nRecordID property."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNNoServerProperty = "You need to define the nNoServer property."

                ' French
            Case 2
                cUnableToConnectToServer = "Impossible de connecter au serveur  ##Server##."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheCLogProperty = "Vous devez définir la propriété cLog."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNHourProperty = "Vous devez définir la propriété nHour ou nRecordID."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNNoServerProperty = "Vous devez définir la propriété nNoServer ou nRecordID."

                ' Spanish
            Case 3
                cUnableToConnectToServer = "Unable to connect to server ##Server##."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheCLogProperty = "You need to define the cLog property."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNHourProperty = "You need to define the nHour or nRecordID property."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNNoServerProperty = "You need to define the nNoServer property."

                ' Portuguese
            Case 4
                cUnableToConnectToServer = "Unable to connect to server ##Server##."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheCLogProperty = "You need to define the cLog property."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNHourProperty = "You need to define the nHour or nRecordID property."
                cYouNeedToDefineTheNNoServerProperty = "You need to define the nNoServer property."

        End Select

        Return True
    End Function

    ' Add an entry in the log
    Public Function Add() As Boolean
        Dim lcLog As String = ""
        Dim loEventLog As EventLog = New EventLog()

        ' Reset the values
        cMessage = ""

        ' Based on the log
        Select Case nLog

            ' Application
            Case 1
                lcLog = "Application"

                ' System
            Case 2
                lcLog = "System"

        End Select

        ' If the event log does not exist
        If Not EventLog.SourceExists(cSource) Then

            ' Create log 
            EventLog.CreateEventSource(cSource, lcLog)

        End If

        ' Write to the log 
        EventLog.WriteEntry(cSource, cMessage, nType, nEventID)

        Return True
    End Function

    ' Retrieve events from the log
    ' Select all events in the Application Event Log where Event Level is CRITICAL or ERROR in the last 30 days
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Application"><Select Path="Application">*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 ) and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= 2592000000]]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
    ' Select all events in the Application Event Log where the Provider is'.NET Runtime' and the Event Level is critcal
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Application"><Select Path="Application">*[System[Provider[@Name='.NET Runtime'] and (Level=1 )]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
    ' Select all events in the Security Event Log where the account name involved (TargetUserName) is "JUser"
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Security"><Select Path="Security">*[EventData[Data[@Name="TargetUserName"]="JUser"]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
    ' Select all events in the Security Event Log where any Data node of the EventData section is the string "JUser"
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Security"><Select Path="Security">*[EventData[Data="JUser"]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
    ' Select all events in the Security Event Log where any Data node of the EventData section is "JUser" or "JDoe"
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Security"><Select Path="Security">*[EventData[Data="JUser" or Data="JDoe"]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
    ' Select all events in the Security Event Log where any Data node of the EventData section is "JUser" and the Event ID is "4471"
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Security"><Select Path="Security">*[System[EventID="4771"]] and *[EventData[Data="JUser"]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
    ' Real world example for a package called Goldmine which has two @Names
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Application"><Select Path="Application">*[System[Provider[@Name='GoldMine' or @Name='GMService']]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
    ' Select all events in the Application Event Log where the
    ' <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Application"><Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational">*[System/Correlation/@ActivityID='4000']</Select></Query></QueryList>
    Public Function RetrieveEvent() As Boolean
        Dim lcDomain As String = ""
        Dim lcLevel As String = ""
        Dim lcLog As String = ""
        Dim lcMessage As String = ""
        Dim lcPassword As String = ""
        Dim lcQueryString As String = ""
        Dim lcServer As String = ""
        Dim lcUsername As String = ""
        Dim lcWhere As String = ""
        Dim llSuccess As Boolean = False
        Dim lnCounter As Integer = 0
        Dim lnDelay As Integer = 0
        Dim lnLevel As Integer = 0
        Dim lnNoEventViewerLevel As Integer = 0
        Dim lnRecordID As Integer = 0
        Dim lnRetry As Integer = 0
        Dim lnTimeFrame As Double = 0
        Dim loData As Data = Nothing
        Dim loEventLogQuery As EventLogQuery = Nothing
        Dim loEventLogReader As EventLogReader = Nothing
        Dim loEventLogRecord As EventLogRecord = Nothing
        Dim loEventLogSession As EventLogSession = Nothing
        Dim loEventRecord As EventRecord = Nothing
        Dim loInsertRow As InsertRow = Nothing
        Dim loLogData As LogData = Nothing
        Dim loRow As DataRow = Nothing
        Dim loSecurity As Security = Nothing
        Dim loStringBuilder As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
        Dim loUpdate As Update = Nothing

        ' Get the proper definition as per the current scope
        If oProcess Is Nothing Then
            loData = New Data(oApp)
            loInsertRow = New InsertRow(oApp)
            loLogData = New LogData(oApp)
            loSecurity = New Security(oApp)
            loUpdate = New Update(oApp)
            loData = New Data(oProcess)
            loInsertRow = New InsertRow(oProcess)
            loLogData = New LogData(oProcess)
            loSecurity = New Security(oProcess)
            loUpdate = New Update(oProcess)
        End If

        ' Reset the values
        cMessage = ""
        cQuerystring = ""
        cResult = ""

        ' Initialization
        lcDomain = Trim(cDomain)
        lcPassword = Trim(cPassword)
        lcServer = Trim(cServer)
        lcUsername = Trim(cUsername)
        lnRecordID = nRecordID
        lnTimeFrame = nHour
        lnDelay = nDelay
        lnRetry = nRetry

        ' If the delay is lower than 250
        If lnDelay < 250 Then
            lnDelay = 250
        End If

        ' If the retry is lower than 8
        If lnRetry < 8 Then
            lnRetry = 8
        End If

        ' Based on the log
        Select Case nLog

            ' Application
            Case 1
                lcLog = "Application"

                ' System
            Case 2
                lcLog = "System"

                ' Setup
            Case 3
                lcLog = "Setup"

                ' Security
            Case 4
                lcLog = "Security"

        End Select

        ' If the cLog property has not been defined
        If lcLog.Length = 0 Then
            cMessage = cYouNeedToDefineTheCLogProperty
            Return False
        End If

        ' If the nHour property has not been defined
        If lnTimeFrame = 0 Then

            ' If the nRecordID property has not been defined
            If lnRecordID = 0 Then
                cMessage = cYouNeedToDefineTheNHourProperty
                Return False
            End If

        End If

        ' If we transfer to table
        If lTransferToTable Then

            ' If the nNoServer has not been defined
            If nNoServer = 0 Then
                cMessage = cYouNeedToDefineTheNNoServerProperty
                Return False
            End If

        End If

        ' If we need the critical messages
        If lLevelCritical Then
            lcLevel = "Level=1"
        End If

        ' If we need the error messages
        If lLevelError Then

            ' If we have a level
            If lcLevel.Length > 0 Then
                lcLevel = lcLevel + " or "
            End If

            lcLevel = lcLevel + "Level=2"
        End If

        ' If we need the warning messages
        If lLevelWarning Then

            ' If we have a level
            If lcLevel.Length > 0 Then
                lcLevel = lcLevel + " or "
            End If

            lcLevel = lcLevel + "Level=3"
        End If

        ' If we need the information messages
        If lLevelInformation Then

            ' If the log is Application or System or Setup
            If nLog = 1 Or nLog = 2 Or nLog = 3 Then

                ' If we have a level
                If lcLevel.Length > 0 Then
                    lcLevel = lcLevel + " or "
                End If

                lcLevel = lcLevel + "Level=0 or Level=4"
            End If

        End If

        ' If the nHour property has been defined
        If lnTimeFrame > 0 Then
            lnTimeFrame = lnTimeFrame * 60 * 60
            lnTimeFrame = lnTimeFrame * 1000
            lcWhere = "        *[System[(" + lcLevel + ") and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= " + lnTimeFrame.ToString + "]]]" + oApp.cCR
            lcWhere = "        *[System[(" + lcLevel + ") and EventRecordID>" + lnRecordID.ToString + "]]" + oApp.cCR
        End If

        ' Initialization
        lcQueryString = "<QueryList>" + oApp.cCR + _
         "  <Query Id=""0"" Path=""" + lcLog + """>" + oApp.cCR + _
         "    <Select Path=""" + lcLog + """>" + oApp.cCR + _
         lcWhere + _
             "    </Select>" + oApp.cCR + _
         "  </Query>" + oApp.cCR + _

        ' Add the log
        loLogData.cLog = lcQueryString
        If Not loLogData.AddLog() Then
        End If


            ' If we have a username
            If lcUsername.Length > 0 Then

                ' If we cannot execute the method
                loSecurity.cString = lcPassword
                If Not loSecurity.GetSecureString() Then
                    cMessage = loSecurity.cMessage
                    Return False
                End If

                loEventLogSession = New EventLogSession(lcServer, lcDomain, lcUsername, loSecurity.oSecureString, SessionAuthentication.[Default])
            End If

            loEventLogQuery = New EventLogQuery(lcLog, PathType.LogName, lcQueryString)

            ' If this is the ascending order
            If lAscending Then
                loEventLogQuery.ReverseDirection = True
            End If

            ' If we have a username
            If lcUsername.Length > 0 Then
                loEventLogQuery.Session = loEventLogSession
            End If

            ' For each retry
            For lnCounter = 1 To lnRetry

                ' If we cannot connect to the server
                ' This command may choke for a longer time on specific server up to 25 seconds per try
                    loEventLogReader = New EventLogReader(loEventLogQuery)
                Catch loException As Exception

                    ' If we have not reached the maximum tries of 8, we retry
                    If lnCounter < lnRetry Then

                        ' Wait for a timeout before retrying

                        Continue For
                    End If

                    lcMessage = cUnableToConnectToServer
                    lcMessage = oApp.StrTran(lcMessage, "##Server##", lcServer)

                    ' If we log the error
                    If lLogError Then

                        ' Get the proper definition as per the current scope
                        If oProcess Is Nothing Then
                            oApp.ErrorSetup(loException, lcMessage)
                            oProcess.ErrorSetup(loException, lcMessage)
                        End If

                    End If

                    cMessage = lcMessage
                    Exit For
                End Try

                ' Initialization
                loEventRecord = loEventLogReader.ReadEvent()

                ' For each record
                While Not loEventRecord Is Nothing

                    ' Cast the EventRecord object as an EventLogRecord object to access the EventLogRecord class properties
                    loEventLogRecord = CType(loEventRecord, EventLogRecord)

                    ' Initialization
                    lnLevel = Val(loEventRecord.Level.ToString)

                    ' If we transfer into a table
                    If lTransferToTable Then

                        ' Based on the level
                        Select Case lnLevel

                            ' Information
                            Case 0, 4
                                lnNoEventViewerLevel = 1

                                ' Critical
                            Case 1
                                lnNoEventViewerLevel = 4

                                ' Error
                            Case 2
                                lnNoEventViewerLevel = 2

                                ' Warning
                            Case 3
                                lnNoEventViewerLevel = 3

                        End Select

                        ' Get the EventViewer record
                        loData.ParameterAdd("RecordID", loEventRecord.Id, , "EventViewer", "RecordID")
                        If Not loData.SQLExec("SELECT EventViewer.Numero " + _
                         "FROM EventViewer " + _
                         "WHERE EventViewer.RecordID=" + loData.ParameterAddSQL("RecordID")) Then
                            Return False
                        End If

                        ' If we did not find it
                        If loData.nCount = 0 Then

                            ' Insert a record in EventViewer
                            loInsertRow.cTable = "EventViewer"
                            loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("NoServer", nNoServer)
                            loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("NoEventViewerLog", nLog)
                            loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("NoEventViewerLevel", lnNoEventViewerLevel)
                            loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("ID", loEventRecord.Id)
                            loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Source", loEventRecord.ProviderName)
                            loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Description", loEventRecord.FormatDescription())

                            ' If we need the Activity ID
                            If lActivityID Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("ActivityID", loEventRecord.ActivityId.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Bookmark
                            If lBookmark Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Bookmark", loEventRecord.Bookmark.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Keywords
                            If lKeyword Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Keyword", loEventRecord.Keywords)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Keywords display name
                            If lKeywordDisplayName Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("KeywordDisplayName", loEventRecord.KeywordsDisplayNames.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Level display name
                            If lLevelDisplayName Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("LevelDisplayName", loEventRecord.LevelDisplayName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Computer
                            If lComputer Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Computer", loEventRecord.MachineName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Op code
                            If lOpCode Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("OpCode", loEventRecord.Opcode)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Op code display name
                            If lOpCodeDisplayName Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("OpCodeDisplayName", loEventRecord.OpcodeDisplayName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Process ID
                            If lProcessID Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("ProcessID", loEventRecord.ProcessId)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Properties
                            If lProperty Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Property", loEventRecord.Properties.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Provider ID
                            If lProviderID Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("ProviderID", loEventRecord.ProviderId.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Qualifiers
                            If lQualifier Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Qualifier", loEventRecord.Qualifiers)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Record ID
                            If lRecordID Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("RecordID", loEventRecord.RecordId)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Related activity ID
                            If lRelatedActivityID Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("RelatedActivityID", loEventRecord.RelatedActivityId.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Task
                            If lTask Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Task", loEventRecord.Task)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Task display name
                            If lTaskDisplayName Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("TaskDisplayName", loEventRecord.TaskDisplayName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Thread ID
                            If lThreadID Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("ThreadID", loEventRecord.ThreadId)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Time created
                            If lTimeCreated Then
                                loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("TimeCreated", loEventRecord.TimeCreated)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the User
                            If lUser Then

                                ' If we have the object
                                If Not loEventRecord.UserId Is Nothing Then
                                    loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("User", loEventRecord.UserId.ToString)
                                End If

                            End If

                            ' If we need the Version
                            If lVersion Then

                                ' If we have the object
                                If Not loEventRecord.Version Is Nothing Then
                                    loInsertRow.ParameterAdd("Version", loEventRecord.Version.ToString)
                                End If

                            End If

                            If Not loInsertRow.InsertRow() Then
                                Return False
                            End If

                            loRow = loData.oRows(0)

                            ' Update the EventViewer record
                            loUpdate.cTable = "EventViewer"
                            loUpdate.nPrimaryKey = loRow("Numero")
                            loUpdate.ParameterAdd("NoServer", nNoServer)
                            loUpdate.ParameterAdd("NoEventViewerLog", nLog)
                            loUpdate.ParameterAdd("NoEventViewerLevel", lnNoEventViewerLevel)
                            loUpdate.ParameterAdd("ID", loEventRecord.Id)
                            loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Source", loEventRecord.ProviderName)
                            loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Description", loEventRecord.FormatDescription())

                            ' If we need the Activity ID
                            If lActivityID Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("ActivityID", loEventRecord.ActivityId.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Bookmark
                            If lBookmark Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Bookmark", loEventRecord.Bookmark.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Keywords
                            If lKeyword Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Keyword", loEventRecord.Keywords)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Keywords display name
                            If lKeywordDisplayName Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("KeywordDisplayName", loEventRecord.KeywordsDisplayNames.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Level display name
                            If lLevelDisplayName Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("LevelDisplayName", loEventRecord.LevelDisplayName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Computer
                            If lComputer Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Computer", loEventRecord.MachineName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Op code
                            If lOpCode Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("OpCode", loEventRecord.Opcode)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Op code display name
                            If lOpCodeDisplayName Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("OpCodeDisplayName", loEventRecord.OpcodeDisplayName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Process ID
                            If lProcessID Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("ProcessID", loEventRecord.ProcessId)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Properties
                            If lProperty Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Property", loEventRecord.Properties.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Provider ID
                            If lProviderID Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("ProviderID", loEventRecord.ProviderId.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Qualifiers
                            If lQualifier Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Qualifier", loEventRecord.Qualifiers)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Record ID
                            If lRecordID Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("RecordID", loEventRecord.RecordId)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Related activity ID
                            If lRelatedActivityID Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("RelatedActivityID", loEventRecord.RelatedActivityId.ToString)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Task
                            If lTask Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Task", loEventRecord.Task)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Task display name
                            If lTaskDisplayName Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("TaskDisplayName", loEventRecord.TaskDisplayName)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Thread ID
                            If lThreadID Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("ThreadID", loEventRecord.ThreadId)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the Time created
                            If lTimeCreated Then
                                loUpdate.ParameterAdd("TimeCreated", loEventRecord.TimeCreated)
                            End If

                            ' If we need the User
                            If lUser Then

                                ' If we have the object
                                If Not loEventRecord.UserId Is Nothing Then
                                    loUpdate.ParameterAdd("User", loEventRecord.UserId.ToString)
                                End If

                            End If

                            ' If we need the Version
                            If lVersion Then

                                ' If we have the object
                                If Not loEventRecord.Version Is Nothing Then
                                    loUpdate.ParameterAdd("Version", loEventRecord.Version.ToString)
                                End If

                            End If

                            If Not loUpdate.Update() Then
                                Return False
                            End If

                        End If


                        ' Initialization
                        loStringBuilder.Append("Event ID: " + loEventRecord.Id.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        loStringBuilder.Append("Publisher: " + loEventRecord.ProviderName + oApp.cCR)
                        loStringBuilder.Append("Description: " + loEventRecord.FormatDescription() + oApp.cCR)

                        ' If we need the Activity ID
                        If lActivityID Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Activity ID: " + loEventRecord.ActivityId.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Bookmark
                        If lBookmark Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Bookmark: " + loEventRecord.Bookmark.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Keywords
                        If lKeyword Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Keywords: " + loEventRecord.Keywords.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Keywords display name
                        If lKeywordDisplayName Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Keywords display name: " + loEventRecord.KeywordsDisplayNames.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Level
                        If lLevel Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Level: " + lnLevel.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Level display name
                        If lLevelDisplayName Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Level display name: " + loEventRecord.LevelDisplayName + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Computer
                        If lComputer Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Computer: " + loEventRecord.MachineName + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Op code
                        If lOpCode Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Op code: " + loEventRecord.Opcode.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Op code display name
                        If lOpCodeDisplayName Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Op code display name: " + loEventRecord.OpcodeDisplayName + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Process ID
                        If lProcessID Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Process ID: " + loEventRecord.ProcessId.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Properties
                        If lProperty Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Properties: " + loEventRecord.Properties.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Provider ID
                        If lProviderID Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Provider ID: " + loEventRecord.ProviderId.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Qualifiers
                        If lQualifier Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Qualifiers: " + loEventRecord.Qualifiers.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Record ID
                        If lRecordID Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Record ID: " + loEventRecord.RecordId.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Related activity ID
                        If lRelatedActivityID Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Related activity ID: " + loEventRecord.RelatedActivityId.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Task
                        If lTask Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Task: " + loEventRecord.Task.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Task display name
                        If lTaskDisplayName Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Task display name: " + loEventRecord.TaskDisplayName + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Thread ID
                        If lThreadID Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Thread ID: " + loEventRecord.ThreadId.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the Time created
                        If lTimeCreated Then
                            loStringBuilder.Append("Time created: " + oApp.WritTime(loEventRecord.TimeCreated) + oApp.cCR)
                        End If

                        ' If we need the User
                        If lUser Then

                            ' If we have the object
                            If Not loEventRecord.Version Is Nothing Then
                                loStringBuilder.Append("User: " + loEventRecord.UserId.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                            End If

                        End If

                        ' If we need the Version
                        If lVersion Then

                            ' If we have the object
                            If Not loEventRecord.Version Is Nothing Then
                                loStringBuilder.Append("Version: " + loEventRecord.Version.ToString + oApp.cCR)
                            End If

                        End If

                    End If

                    loEventRecord = loEventLogReader.ReadEvent()
                End While

                llSuccess = True
                Exit For

        Catch loException As Exception

            ' If we log the error
            If lLogError Then

                ' Get the proper definition as per the current scope
                If oProcess Is Nothing Then
                End If

            End If

            cMessage = loException.Message
        End Try

        ' Reset the values
        cDomain = ""
        cPassword = ""
        cServer = ""
        cUsername = ""
        lActivityID = True
        lAscending = True
        lBookmark = True
        lComputer = True
        lKeyword = True
        lKeywordDisplayName = True
        lLevel = True
        lLevelCritical = True
        lLevelDisplayName = True
        lLevelError = True
        lLevelInformation = False
        lLevelWarning = True
        lOpCode = True
        lOpCodeDisplayName = True
        lProcessID = True
        lProperty = True
        lProviderID = True
        lSource = True
        lQualifier = True
        lRecordID = True
        lRelatedActivityID = True
        lTask = True
        lTaskDisplayName = False
        lThreadID = True
        lTimeCreated = True
        lTransferToTable = False
        lUser = False
        lVersion = True
        nDelay = 250
        nHour = 24
        nNoServer = 0
        nRecordID = 0
        nRetry = 8

        ' Initialization
        cResult = loStringBuilder.ToString
        cQuerystring = lcQueryString

        Return llSuccess
    End Function

End Class
Michel Fournier
Level Extreme Inc.
Designer, architect, owner of the Level Extreme Platform
Subscribe to the site at https://www.levelextreme.com/Home/DataEntry?Activator=55&NoStore=303
Subscription benefits https://www.levelextreme.com/Home/ViewPage?Activator=7&ID=52

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