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Sending SMS through Twilio
08/05/2015 18:39:58
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>>>Thanks, where can I download wwHttp?
>>It's part of West Wind Client Tools:
>ah, no wonder I couldn't find it.
>>It's not free though :-)
>not a problem. If I can't get the free solutions to work I'll go this way.

There's a trial version that's fully functional though and you can certainly use that... it has a few nag boxes that pop up but other than that it provides all features.

Looks like this might be handy for your email issue as well.

+++ Rick ---

>>You can probably do what you need with vfpConnection too. The main point is that you have to post a JSON or XML document.
>I have got much closer passing the json to vfpconnection, but I must hav esomething wrong with the url as I am getting a 404 error. I've sent a support request to the vendor to see if I have misunderstood.
>I also have an option of creating a c# dll or exe which can then use one of the vendor's tools to send the message.
>>+++ Rick ---
>>>>Looking at the docs it seems you need to post a JSON or XML document not POST variables.
>>>>Something like this (with wwHttp):
>>>>TEXT TO lcJson
>>>>   "account_sid": "AC5ef8732a3c49700934481addd5ce1659",
>>>>   "api_version": "2010-04-01",
>>>>   "body": "Jenny please?! I love you <3",
>>>>   "num_segments": "1",
>>>>   "num_media": "1",
>>>>   "date_created": "Wed, 18 Aug 2010 20:01:40 +0000",
>>>>   "date_sent": null,
>>>>   "date_updated": "Wed, 18 Aug 2010 20:01:40 +0000",
>>>>   "direction": "outbound-api",
>>>>   "error_code": null,
>>>>   "error_message": null,
>>>>   "from": "+14158141829",
>>>>   "price": null,
>>>>   "sid": "MM90c6fc909d8504d45ecdb3a3d5b3556e",
>>>>   "status": "queued",
>>>>   "to": "+15558675309",
>>>>   "uri": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC5ef8732a3c49700934481addd5ce1659/Messages/MM90c6fc909d8504d45ecdb3a3d5b3556e.json"
>>>>DO wwHttp
>>>>loHttp = CREATEOBJECT("wwHttp")
>>>>loHttp.cContentType = "application/json"
>>>>lcResponse = loHttp.HttpGet("https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC5ef8732a3c49700934481addd5ce1659/Messages.json")
>>>>+++ Rick ---
>>>>>I've been trying out an online service that allows you to send SMS. Unfortunately I am having difficulty understanding their samples and translating them to VFP.
>>>>>You can view their code samples for various languages here:
>>>>>This is what their help desk sent to me:
>>>>>"But I can help you with making a POST call to send SMS from your application.
>>>>>You would need these:
>>>>>URL - You already have it
>>>>>Account Sid
>>>>>Auth token
>>>>>From, To and Body / MediaUrl as form parameters
>>>>>Check if that library does the following:
>>>>> Ability to set From, To, Body key value pairs in form rather than in the URL as query parameters. Also ensure that the library sets the Content-type to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". If it doesn't please set the header manually.
>>>>> Ability to convert Account Sid & Auth token into a Base64 encoded value.
>>>>>If it doesn't, you may have to use any built-in / 3rd party VFP libraries to convert "Account Sid":"Auth token" combination to a Base64Encoded value.
>>>>>eg. if Account Sid = AC123434598475 & Auth Token = slak09j4g49j04j
>>>>>Base64Encode("AC123434598475:slak09j4g49j04j") - Do not forget the ':'
>>>>>Set this base64 Encoded value in "Authorization" header, but ensure you prefix the value with "Basic "
>>>>>So the header would look like,
>>>>>Authorization Basic < Base 64 encoded value >
>>>>>The header and form parameter, briefed above, is available in JSON example in the following article
>>>>>This is the code I was trying:
SET LIBRARY TO vfpconnection.fll ADDITIVE 
>>>>>*!*	SetConnectTimeout(oAppInfo.ConnectTimeOut) && Default is 10 seconds
>>>>>*!*	SetResponseTimeout(oAppInfo.ResponseTimeOut) && Default is 10 seconds
>>>>>SetConnectTimeout(30) && Default is 10 seconds
>>>>>SetResponseTimeout(30) && Default is 10 seconds
>>>>>*!*	https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACb832550f3d5e416b54a3ff1c0c7d08b1/Messages.json \
>>>>>*!*	    -d "Body=Jenny%20please%3F%21%20I%20love%20you%20<3" \
>>>>>*!*	    -d "To=%2B15558675309" \
>>>>>*!*	    -d "From=%2B14158141829" \
>>>>>*!*	    -d "MediaUrl=http://www.example.com/hearts.png" \
>>>>>*!*	    -u 'ACb832550f3d5e416b54a3ff1c0c7d08b1:{AuthToken}'
>>>>>m.lcURL = "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACb832550f3d5e416b54a3ff1c0c7d08b1/Messages.json"
>>>>>LOCAL ARRAY laPost[3,2]
>>>>>laPost[1,1] = "Body"
>>>>>laPost[1,2] = "Test Message from Frank via Twilio"
>>>>>laPost[2,1] = "To" && name
>>>>>laPost[2,2] = "+18689999999"
>>>>>laPost[3,1] = "From" && name
>>>>>laPost[3,2] = "+18688888888"
>>>>>IF NOT HttpPost(m.lcURL, @laPost, "", "APITrace()")
>>>>>	MESSAGEBOX("An error occurred sending the SMS: " + m.cTraceData, 16, "Send SMS Via Twilio")
>>>>>Can anyone help me get this clear in my head?
+++ Rick ---

West Wind Technologies
Maui, Hawaii

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