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Docker.com useful or not with VFP?
23/05/2015 08:38:03
Walter Meester
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>We're going more than 20 years back. Surely I would have expected to make some progress on cross platform development in 2015. And really, the reason it failed has little to do with the technology, but rather the money. The other platforms didn't sell at the time.

Possibly, but even before that became an issue think about how crappy the Mac version of VFP really was. Likewise think about Java and the crappy experience you get on every platform it runs on. The UI looks 'wrong' on all of them.

>BTW, there is not much in terms of custom windows management in VFP. Windows in VFP are real windows. it is just that the controls are not windows as in other development environments. YMMV, but I never had any significant problems in terms of dealing with VFP controls, nor my clients have ever noticed the difference. I know there are difference in the way that certain controls behave, but they are pretty minor. I doubt whether any user would notice. And BTW wouldn't this apply to all the other applications with owner drawn controls?

Well, it's noticable to me and noticable enough for my customers/clients to have gotten quite a few complaints over the years in the past. There are common things like the way lists behave (hotkeys are wrong, navigation behavior is wrong), the way many controls look (borders and padding and shortcut menus), and then there are a number of nasty UI quirks related to QuickType (yeah there's a workaround for that but it's inefficient and a major PITA). I'm sure I'm forgetting a few others. These are all things that do matter if you care about building a nice UI, which after all is why you'd build a desktop app anymore in the first place.

Otherwise who builds a desktop application anymore for business apps? If you go out looking for vertical apps in specific markets you'll find that almost all of those things are now Web based solutions either offered as a service or deployable Web applicatinos that can run on in-house servers. Other than some very specialized services or certain hardware dependent features, very little is done on the desktop anymore.

>An this is the point, weI, and our clients do not give a hoot about the "exact users feel" of the application because a control looks or behaves a bit different, as long as the functionality is there. Now it seems we are stuck because we demand the same look and feel as native apps on each given platform. That will just take time to develop over time.

>>This dream of building an app once and have it run everywhere is just a pipe dream, at least if you want to build something that doesn't look like a cookie cutter enterprise app. There are tools for that like Servoy that do a decent job of that, but for custom development that's not an option. The same goes for Mobile. You don't want a one size fits all for mobile as mobile devices have different styles and behaviors and functionality.
>I share your observation, but not your conclusion. It should not have been this way. Servoy indeed is an example that proves that it does not have to be that way.

Well we differ in what we consider a custom solution and what qualifies as 'cookie cutter' I guess.

>Its just that the platform itself is expensive to deploy. I hope SAAS solutions will pickup and we get away from writing in solutions where you need to master a full set of different techniques and languages on each and every layer/tier. I've been at the servoy headquartes in Amersfoort to talk about moving our product to the servoy platform and was impressed with what they accomplished in 10 years in terms of this goal. Unfortunately, our app has 20 years of VFP development and is so huge that it would take years to port over to servoy. That is not something we can afford at the moment, but If I had to write it from scratch, I would certainly take Servoy, Lianja, Windev or even Navision for that matter to write application bottom up.

>I'm sure you agree that it is next to impossible for a single soul to develop, troubleshoot and maintain a single web based app that needs to have enterprise functionality. What went wrong?? Because we were doing exactly that until those applications had to run through the web.

Again not sure what you mean. It's totally possible. It's possible for a one man shop to build an enterprise level application and either build it for a customer or a vertical and sell it and manage it - it's totally possible. I have many customers who do just that and I do it with a number of medium sized apps myself.

There are so many more opportunities today for developers to make their stuff available over the Web than 20 years ago. Building services, building SaaS applications, making for sale content or procducts available. All of that wasn't possible 20 years ago.

Do you have to know a lot of stuff? Sure - it's not trivial. Yet there are millions of developers out there today - more than for anything else - building Web and Cloud applications on the Web stack today and a good chunk of them manage to be able to do all that is required to make that happen. It's not because they're smarter than you or me - it's that they grew up understanding that there are many technologies that you can pick and choose from to build the best of breed application instead of monolithic beasts that become impossible to maintain due to complexity. These days most 'enterprise' apps are build as componentized services that are parceled out into manageable chunks that are much easier to build and maintain.

>Its not primitive in functionality, but primitive in its RAD capabilities, crude and 3GL like. Why isn't there a universal GUI builder? it lacks any OO design and for the vast majority is build in text editers without a decent EDI. I recognize that this is not going to change in the near future, but what you see happening is that there are tools hiding the complexity of HTML and JavaScript, but still its next to impossible to get away from those languages as when you want anything more complex. Its like coding in assembly while you're looking for something like C++, C# or even VFP. yes, you have ultimate control, but at what expense?

LOL! Seriously? Clearly you're not looking hard enough.

And if you think VFP had a good IDE, I don't know what to tell you... VFP's IDE might have been decent when it was current but today it's a long way behind other tools. VFP intellisense has always been a half-baked joke. For Web dev look at WebStorm and Visual Studio (and Eclipse) provide very rich IDEs for Web development, with excellent Intellisense, design tooling and much more. For scaffolding tools like Yeoman provide many great startup templates and generators for popular fraemworks.

Yeah there are no good UI editors and that's mainly because that's been rejected as a feature by developers - mainly because nobody was able to actually build a decent HTML editor because HTML is not like classic desktop apps with a pixel based canvas. Building rich designers for flow layouts that work with many things is very difficult - not just for HTML but also for things like WPF and Flash before it. The main reason it worked for desktop apps is because there was fixed size positional layout. But that paradigm no longer works, if you want to build applications that can run on multiple devices. I suppose it should be possible
to build decent WYSIWYG editors, but this has become a derided feature so I doubt anybody will build one.

Does that matter? Not sure. I used to think I can't build anything without visual layout, but today I build UIs with CSS frameworks and am perfectly fine using markup text and live previewing the content in the browser and I find that more efficient (especially if you use keyboard templates in WebStorm or Visual Studio).

>In the end, I believe a new platform will be developed that will hide all the complexities and incompatibilities of CSS, HTML, JavaScript, IIS, JQuery etc, because it is just a nightmare to develop, support and maintain something beyond a simple website with limited database functionality.

It's a nightmare because you've convinced yourself it is. Somehow it's the most popular development choice, and the choice of the new generation of young developers coming in as well as the choice for much of the high end set of developers. Yet you label it a nightmare. Perspective...

I agree that there's a lot of room for improvement in Web development, but if HTML/CSS/JS was going to be replaced it would have happened already. Instead we're seeing it getting ever more popular, JavaScript in particular with JavaScript and Node having long become the most popular and most used development language. It'll be VERY difficult to unset this platform.

As I mentioned we're on the cusp of a wave of new technologies for JavaScript and I think in terms of language features we'll see much more variety in you'll be able to use JavaScript via transpilers. But in the end I think we won't see the JavaScript/HTML/CSS stack go away anytime soon. It's been the tool of choice for many good reasons even if there are still a lot of warts.

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