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ValidationErrors is not reset?
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Entity Framework
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VB 9.0
Windows Server 2012
Windows 2008 Server
MS SQL Server
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Yesterday I wrote a stored procedure for similar requirement passing my rows as Table Valued parameters. I did have to convert classes to DataTable, though.

>>I think you're over-complicating the process. You can call SaveChanges method only once after all processing is done. It will save all the changes at once.
>I need the multiple SaveChanges to get the keys that are created and pass them to the other table(s), no? I wouldn't if I had set foreign keys, but I haven't because this is not really applying (as I think you noticed before).
>The exception is thrown after the first SaveChanges anyway, because the field CalculationStatus is not set, although it is required.
>Then the transcation is rolled back and the processRow method is exited, and the next row is processed, beginning a new transaction. Each row is processed during one transaction.
>>It is probably what it's doing anyway since you opened transaction. So, it's saving all the errors. You can probably explicitly clear that collection if it allows to clear it.
>>>I'm calling this method for a number of different rows :
>>>       private void process()
>>>        {
>>>            if (InputBox.confirm("The database will be intialized.")!=System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; };
>>>            Monitor.write("Starting Process : Begin Inventory");
>>>            _interrupt = false;
>>>            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(() => Statusbar.displayFirstField("Processing...")));
>>>            using (var xl = new ExcelWrapper()) using (var context = new d060Entities())
>>>            {
>>>                var bis = new BeginInventorySource(xl);
>>>                var tm = new TimeMonitor(2, bis.LastRow);
>>>                Monitor.write("Lines to process : {0}", bis.LastRow - 1);
>>>                for  (long r = 2;r<=bis.LastRow;r++)
>>>                {
>>>                    if (_interrupt) { return; };
>>>                    processRow(r, context, bis,tm);
>>>                }
>>>            }       
>>>        }
>>>        void processRow(long r, d060Entities context,BeginInventorySource bis, TimeMonitor tm)
>>>        {
>>>            string d020Parcel;
>>>            string goods;
>>>            decimal weight;
>>>            decimal amount;
>>>            bis.getRow(r, out d020Parcel, out goods, out weight, out amount);
>>>            var statusMessage = string.Format("Processing... {0} on row {1} {2}", d020Parcel, r, tm.display(r));
>>>            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new ThreadStart(() => Statusbar.displayFirstField(statusMessage)));
>>>            var parcel = new d060Entity.Parcel();
>>>            parcel.Cost = amount;
>>>            parcel.ParcelWeight = weight;
>>>            parcel.ParcelStatus = d060Entity.Repository.getParcelstatus(d060Entity.Repository.eParcelstatus.Active);
>>>            parcel.Creationdate = DateTime.Now;
>>>            parcel.Lastupdatedate = DateTime.Now;
>>>            parcel.Goods = goods;
>>>            parcel.D020number = d020Parcel;
>>>            parcel.D020wrapper = "";
>>>            // parcel.CalculationStatus = "Locked"; <== missing assignment
>>>            var transaction = new d060Entity.Transaction();
>>>            transaction.Creationdate = DateTime.Now;
>>>            transaction.Lastupdatedate = DateTime.Now;
>>>            transaction.TransactionDate = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1);
>>>            transaction.TransactionWeight = weight;
>>>            transaction.Amount = amount;
>>>            transaction.Transactiontypes_id = d060Entity.Repository.getTransactiontypes_id(d060Entity.Repository.eTransactiontypes.BeginInventory);
>>>            transaction.Goods = goods;
>>>            transaction.D010Transaction = "";
>>>            transaction.D010Transactiontype = " ";
>>>            transaction.D020Transaction = "";
>>>            transaction.D020Transactiontype = " ";
>>>            var origin = new d060Entity.Origin();
>>>            origin.Parcels_id = parcel.Parcels_Id;
>>>            origin.OriginCalculationstatus = "Locked";
>>>            {
>>>                using (var t = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
>>>                {
>>>                    try
>>>                    {
>>>                        string message;
>>>                        bool success;
>>>                        context.Parcels.Add(parcel);
>>>                        Repository.savechanges(context, out success, out message);
>>>                        if (success == false)
>>>                        {
>>>                            Monitor.write("**** Currently processing : {0} **** ", parcel.D020number);
>>>                            Monitor.write(message);
>>>                            t.Rollback();
>>>                            return;
>>>                        };
>>>                        transaction.Parcels_Id = parcel.Parcels_Id;
>>>                        context.Transactions.Add(transaction);
>>>                        Repository.savechanges(context, out success, out message);
>>>                        if (success == false)
>>>                        {
>>>                            Monitor.write("**** Currently processing : {0} **** ", parcel.D020number);
>>>                            Monitor.write(message);
>>>                            t.Rollback();
>>>                            return;
>>>                        };
>>>                        parcel.CreationTransaction_Id = transaction.Transactions_Id;
>>>                        origin.Parcels_id = parcel.Parcels_Id;
>>>                        context.Origins.Add(origin);
>>>                        Repository.savechanges(context, out success, out message);
>>>                        if (success == false)
>>>                        {
>>>                            Monitor.write("**** Currently processing : {0} **** ", parcel.D020number);
>>>                            Monitor.write(message);
>>>                            t.Rollback();
>>>                            return;
>>>                        };
>>>                        t.Commit();
>>>                    }
>>>                    catch (Exception ex)
>>>                    {
>>>                        Monitor.write("Problem with Parcel {0}, line {1} : ", parcel.D020number, r, ex.Message);
>>>                        t.Rollback();
>>>                    }
>>>                }
>>>            }
>>>        }
>>>>Hmm, never noticed this problem before. Are you calling this method for a number of rows all having the same problem or it's just a single row save and every time it increments?
>>>>>Right. Sorry.
>>>>>Maybe if I show you the result ?
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : **** Currently processing : A$$00100 ****
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : DbEntityValidationException.
>>>>>Errors : 1
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : **** Currently processing : A$$00124 ****
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : DbEntityValidationException.
>>>>>Errors : 2
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : **** Currently processing : A$$00125 ****
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : DbEntityValidationException.
>>>>>Errors : 3
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : **** Currently processing : A$$00215 ****
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : DbEntityValidationException.
>>>>>Errors : 4
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : **** Currently processing : A$$00344 ****
>>>>>8/6/2015 4:37:41 PM : DbEntityValidationException.
>>>>>Errors : 5
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>The CalculationStatus field is required.
>>>>>>>Consider this method:
>>>>>>>It seems that e.ValidationErrors does not get reset. After multiple catches the previous ierrors remain in the collection.
>>>>>>>        public static void savechanges(d060Entities context,out bool success,out string message)
>>>>>>>        {
>>>>>>>            var s = new StringBuilder();
>>>>>>>            s.Clear();
>>>>>>>            success = true;
>>>>>>>            message = "";
>>>>>>>            try
>>>>>>>            {
>>>>>>>                context.SaveChanges();
>>>>>>>            }
>>>>>>>            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
>>>>>>>            {
>>>>>>>                s.AppendLine("DbEntityValidationException.");
>>>>>>>                s.AppendFormat("Errors : {0}", ex.EntityValidationErrors.Count());
>>>>>>>                s.AppendLine();
>>>>>>>                foreach (var e in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
>>>>>>>                {
>>>>>>>                    foreach (var e1 in e.ValidationErrors)
>>>>>>>                    {
>>>>>>>                        s.AppendFormat(e1.ErrorMessage);
>>>>>>>                        s.AppendLine();
>>>>>>>                    }
>>>>>>>                }
>>>>>>>                success = false;
>>>>>>>                }
>>>>>>>            catch (Exception ex)
>>>>>>>            {
>>>>>>>                s.AppendFormat("error : {0}", ex.ToString());
>>>>>>>                success = false;
>>>>>>>            }
>>>>>>>            message = s.ToString();
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>Your question is unclear. The code seems to be OK, I see no problem.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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