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Hillary's Christmas in October
02/10/2015 02:03:52
01/10/2015 18:24:52
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>Among my many complaints about the repubs is that they make it easy for people like the Clintons to devastate them politically.
>The Clintons will milk this for months.
>That's too bad because Hillary is beatable on the real issues.

I'll agree that McCarthy's statements were very poorly worded. But it doesn't change the actions of Hillary and the administration.

Anyone who believes McCarthy's statements somehow absolve Hillary and the administration over the mistakes and dishonesty regarding Benghazi is committing the biggest non sequitur of the year.

Forgetting all the conspiracy theories (that Benghazi was being used to run guns from Libya to Syria, that Benghazi was a setup so that the MB could get KSM released), there are 3 indisputable facts.

1) The administration left the embassy with lax protection and basically downplayed the 41 acts of violence by Al Sharia in the months before the Benghazi attack (including attacking a Red Cross location, which prompted the British to close their embassy after reports that Al Sharia had infiltrated the local police.) This is fact and is indisputable.

2) The administration knew that admitting a planned attack (that left four Americans dead) by an Al-Q affiliate on the anniversary of 9/11 would be DEVASTATING for the re-election campaign, given that Obama had just promoted the theme of "bin Laden is dead, Al-Q is on the run". So they tried to lump the protests in Cairo with the Benghazi attack and tried to blame the attack on the stupid YouTube video. Two individuals have said they heard Hillary say to the father of one of the deceased (at the funeral), "don't worry, we will get the man who made this video".

Even with sufficient evidence that has come out in the emails (that both the CIA and State Department knew it was a planned attack), the administration pushed a false election year narrative . Hillary threw one of her people under the bus and had Susan Rice go out and make those ridiculous claims on 5 news shows. Fact and indisputable.

3) The information on Hillary's email server and possible violations of federal law would not have come about without the Benghazi committee.

The reason I was asking the question is that I sometimes wonder if people understand what Benghazi was all about. There is also the separate issue of whether the military was prepared enough to respond to such an attack.

I don't blame Hillary for all of Benghazi. But I certainly hold her accountable for ignoring the concerns of the Libyan president and Libyan chief of police that Al-Q had infiltrated the police. And like a lot of people who have seen the famous pics of Obama and Hillary in the situation room during the bin Laden capture, I'd sure like to know what was going on there when they got the news on the attack.

So the reaction by the left in their nitpicking of McCarthy's statement hardly discredits the failure of this administration regarding Benghazi.

It's ironic that you're willing to concede Hillary is beatable on real issues....yet you appear to buy into this McCarthy non sequitur....when the truth is that the Benghazi situation is further proof that Hillary Clinton is not fit to lead. It's also ironic that many are criticizing Gowdy for trying to discredit Hillary before the election, when it was a whopper of an election year lie that led to this in the first place.

Look, do I think that Hillary's bad polling is a nice little side effect of what the committee has uncovered? Sure. I'll cop to that. She deserves it. But it was because of her actions (and those of the president) to begin with. Sometimes you can't take the politics out of politics

I hope this helps you. :)

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