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The libreal MSM is still at it
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>>>Hmm... why do think that's the case?
>>>Who owns "the mainstream media?"
>>>Do you think that the billionaire Comcast people who own NBC and CNBC are flaming Reds?
>>>Do you think that the billionaires who control Time Warner which owns CNN are rampant socialists?
>>It's irrelevant. No, I don't think they are flaming reds or rampant socialists but I also believe they will push a narrative at all costs.
>>I'm going to ask you one simple question.
>>Suppose, in mid-October 2012, the national learned that HRC had lied for the president. That she pushed this ridiculous YouTube video theory, when she was also telling the leaders of Egypt (and her own family) that this was definitely an attack by Al-Sharia....the very thing the administration was denying.
>>Suppose we learned that in October 2012, instead of last week.
>>Do you think that would have changed the election? I do.
>And would I have been a great golfer if I could have hit the ball the way Sam Snead could?
>Yes, but I couldn't, so while it makes for nice discussions, it's useless fantasy.
>What isn't fantasy is that several of the people running for president with the backing of what was once the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower think that creationism should be taught in schools,

I find it amazing that someone who is obviously very intelligent like Ben Carson actually believes that the world was made literally in 6 days and that "this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary (Satan).”. Not so sure I really want someone that delusional leading my country. I mean the dude comes across as a nutcase the more listen to him.

>that a huge wall (Trump said that he'd make it look really great) should be built between the US and its southern neighbor,

The big wall that we need is a big wall around Trump..

>that millions of people doing important work in the US should be put on trucks and sent somewhere,

Aside from the utter stupidity and impractically of the idea, it's sad to see all the republican's cheering when he says stupid crap like this. You'd think that people would be a little more civilized than to cheer for what is basically ethnic cleansing.

>that despite the fact that the US spends more than twice on defense than the next 10 countries combined it needs to spend more,

It seems to me that the republicans are more quick to go to war than the democrats these days.

> that Mitt Romney should be taxed at the same rate as a widow whose only income is social security,

. The 'trickle down economics' concept that started in the 80's has not worked. You'd think after 40 or so years people would figure this out.

>and we need more, not fewer, guns.

People are even getting shot by toddlers on a weekly basis this year in our country!. What is their solution for this? Maybe they think the only way to stop a bad toddler with a gun is to have a good toddler with a gun to stop them??. ..but by golly you can't convince these clowns we need fewer guns no matter what.

..and these candidates don't seem interested in doing anything about the 'war on drugs' or the insane prison population in this country either. And forget about women's health and reproductive rights too and oh don't forget all gay people are evil demons too. The list goes on and on and on.

I'm still leaning towards Bernie Sanders.

>Now..these are some fantasies that make my golf dreams look realistic.
>Anyone with a brain can figure that out... even TV journalists.
>So, does the mainstream media treat these people with respect?
>I certainly hope that they don't.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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